China: Gene-Editing Techniques Make Monkey Brains More Humanlike

April 11th, 2019

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Via: Futurism:

For the first time, scientists have used gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more humanlike.

The monkeys, rhesus macaques, got smarter — they had superior memories to unaltered monkeys, according to recently-published research that’s kicked off a fiery debate among ethicists about how far scientists should be able to take genetic experimentation.
Cognitive Gap

The team of Chinese scientists edited the human version of a gene called MCPH1 into the macaques. The new gene made the monkeys’ brains develop along a more human-like timeline. The gene-hacked monkeys had better reaction times and enhanced short-term memories compared to their unaltered peers, according to China Daily.

2 Responses to “China: Gene-Editing Techniques Make Monkey Brains More Humanlike”

  1. Dennis says:

    The rise of the yawps.
    (‘Radix’, A. A. Attanasio)

  2. dale says:

    I was just getting used to tv editing making humans more monkey like. I wonder if this technique would work for gorillas?

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