Google to Restrict Modern Ad Blocking Chrome Extensions to Enterprise Users

May 29th, 2019

Via: 9to5Google:

Back in January, Google announced a proposed change to Chrome’s extensions system, called Manifest V3, that would stop current ad blockers from working efficiently. In a response to the overwhelming negative feedback, Google is standing firm on Chrome’s ad blocking changes, sharing that current ad blocking capabilities will be restricted to enterprise users.

3 Responses to “Google to Restrict Modern Ad Blocking Chrome Extensions to Enterprise Users”

  1. rotger says:

    I just switched to the “Brave” browser. Will see how it goes.

  2. Kevin says:

    A few years ago, I got so sick of Mozilla/Firefox trying to become a Chrome clone that I just switched to Chrome.

    I went back to Firefox about a year later. It’s ok. Definitely not as good as when you used to be able to customize it to do anything, but ok.

    I looked at a couple of small browsers, but I’m paranoid of the security not being as strong as with the many-eyes browsers.

    I hadn’t heard of Brave. It looks interesting, at least at first glance.

  3. dale says:

    Been using Brave for a couple months. I like the fingerprint blocking and think it’s an improvement. (?)

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