Richard Dolan: Leaked UFO Notes on Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson

June 9th, 2019

Document link: Imgur

If it was anyone else besides Richard Dolan, I wouldn’t post this here without much more vetting.

But it’s Richard Dolan.

So, if this turns out to be fake, let’s get it over with.

Via: Richard Dolan:

One Response to “Richard Dolan: Leaked UFO Notes on Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson”

  1. Adam B. says:

    The vice admiral goes to the secret program directors and demands that they let him in on the program. They reply “We don’t have to tell you anything, and we’re not going to. But just know that whatever we’re doing, it’s extra-terrestrial technology, and we’re no damned good at it.”

    I think it’s safe to infer that the exact opposite of what they said is true, i.e., it’s human-made technology from earth, and they are damned good at it. Especially after developing it for at least 70 years now.

    But it’s interesting how any time UFO-related info is leaked, they’re at pains to let us know it’s aliens. Stephen Greer is a great example, where there’s a ton of eyewitness proof of these flying objects, but he has to harp on the one unprovable aspect of the whole phenomenon – its supposed extra-terrestrial origin.

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