Trump Administration Considering Encryption Crackdown

June 28th, 2019

Via: Cnet:

As tech companies double down on promises to better protect users’ privacy, the US government may have other ideas. Senior Trump officials reportedly met Wednesday to discuss asking Congress to pass legislation that would stop tech companies from using encryption that law enforcement can’t break, according to a report from Politico.

The National Security Council meeting to deliberate the encryption issue — which the government reportedly calls “going dark” — consisted of the second-in-commands from several agencies, according to Politico, but no decision was made in the meeting.

5 Responses to “Trump Administration Considering Encryption Crackdown”

  1. dale says:

    Where’s the Cryptogon link to buy that shirt?

  2. Kevin says:

    McAfee doesn’t appear to have them for sale anywhere.

  3. dale says:

    I kind of figured that. It is funny though.

  4. pookie says:

    That hoodie’s slogan is the only one I’ve ever seen that would tempt me to ask the wearer, “Can I buy you a drink?”

  5. Dennis says:

    Funny, Pookie 🙂

    If you look around his collar, it appears this has been photoshopped. I’d be surprised if someone doesn’t start making them though.

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