China Grew Two Cotton Leaves on the Moon

September 30th, 2019

Via: IEEE:

The team behind a pioneering biological experiment sent to the lunar far side has released an image showing two green leaves grown on the moon.

The experiment began shortly after China’s Chang’e-4 spacecraft made the first ever landing on the far side of the moon, on 3 January this year.

Cotton, arabidopsis and potato seeds, and fruit-fly eggs and yeast were all aboard the 2.6-kilogram mini biosphere, but only the cotton produced positive results.

Image processing has now shown that two cotton leaves had grown—rather than just one as initially thought—in what was the first biological growth experiment on the moon.

One Response to “China Grew Two Cotton Leaves on the Moon”

  1. staticwave says:

    The image at the top of this article does not look like a photograph – more like a digital rendering.

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