18-Year Old U.S. Soldiers Now Entering Afghanistan 18 Years After War Began

October 9th, 2019

Even though Private Nines is from North Carolina, this story reminds me of: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed:

Terry was the quintessential product of Middle America. Sown like patriotic seed on the plains, his destiny was to be harvested for the nation’s use…

So it goes, generation after generation.

The harvests must continue:

Via: ZeroHedge:

This week America’s longest war in Afghanistan turned eighteen, and so did its youngest solder. To mark the occasion, ABC News profiled the US occupation’s newest American member: “Pvt. Hunter Nines is about to join a war nearly as old as he is,” the report said.

Reflecting on his first impending deployment with the Army Pvt. Nines said, “I didn’t have a lot of thoughts on Afghanistan in particular.” He was but 7 months when the war began with the arrival of US troops on Oct. 7, 2001 following the 9/11 attacks. “I honestly just had the notion of I wanted to serve, and wherever that is, that’s where I’ll go.”

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