AI Clones Your Voice After Listening for 5 Seconds

November 13th, 2019

Must listen examples at the link.

Via: Google:

We describe a neural network-based system for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis that is able to generate speech audio in the voice of many different speakers, including those unseen during training. Our system consists of three independently trained components: (1) a speaker encoder network, trained on a speaker verification task using an independent dataset of noisy speech from thousands of speakers without transcripts, to generate a fixed-dimensional embedding vector from seconds of reference speech from a target speaker; (2) a sequence-to-sequence synthesis network based on Tacotron 2, which generates a mel spectrogram from text, conditioned on the speaker embedding; (3) an auto-regressive WaveNet-based vocoder that converts the mel spectrogram into a sequence of time domain waveform samples. We demonstrate that the proposed model is able to transfer the knowledge of speaker variability learned by the discriminatively-trained speaker encoder to the new task, and is able to synthesize natural speech from speakers that were not seen during training. We quantify the importance of training the speaker encoder on a large and diverse speaker set in order to obtain the best generalization performance. Finally, we show that randomly sampled speaker embeddings can be used to synthesize speech in the voice of novel speakers dissimilar from those used in training, indicating that the model has learned a high quality speaker representation.

2 Responses to “AI Clones Your Voice After Listening for 5 Seconds”

  1. dale says:

    I am, speechless. Amazing/Frightening. How can this power not be abused?

  2. Kevin says:

    Even the best/current text to speech systems are pretty bad. But this…

    What if, instead of training for five seconds, it trained for a minute or an hour?

    I wonder if they have some other AI that is context aware, so that this thing can add different qualities to the synthesis??? For example, angry, happy, frightened, etc.

    The deep fake thing is going to go into afterburner.

    Hmm. How about convincing point and click audiobook productions? Possible?

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