India: Rampaging Monkeys Will Be Tracked Using Microsoft Facial Recognition AI So Worst Offenders Can Be Sterilized

December 2nd, 2019

Via: Daily Mail:

Rampaging monkeys will be tracked using Microsoft face recognition technology so the worst offenders can be sterilised after causing chaos across India.

The booming primate population has reached crisis levels in recent years with spates of attacks on humans, including babies being killed by the animals.

Researchers at the Indraprastha Institute of IT (IIIT) in Delhi, working with new Microsoft artificial intelligence (AI) hope to track down monkeys which are causing carnage.

They are using Microsoft ‘AI for Earth’ to pass on data to organisations which can administer contraception or carry out sterilisation.

2 Responses to “India: Rampaging Monkeys Will Be Tracked Using Microsoft Facial Recognition AI So Worst Offenders Can Be Sterilized”

  1. Adam B. says:

    Deep down, aren’t we all a bunch of rampaging monkeys?

  2. Miraculix says:

    The fix is rather like vegetarians and animal rights activists throwing a supercomputer at a basic math problem. Has India never heard of bush meat? Start handing out monkey hunting licenses and restaurant permits — and the “rampaging monkeys” problem will become a string of new grilled meat joints in no time flat.

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