Pneumonia Deaths Declining Rapidly Since January [???]

April 5th, 2020

Update: Delay in Reporting the Numbers [???]

GB sent this Twitter post from @TylerMorganMe which states:

The “dip” people are talking about in pneumonia cases is caused by the lag in reporting of deaths through the CDC.

Pneumonia deaths down.

Covid-19 deaths up.


I’m not able to figure out how to plot this on the CDC’s site, but the dataset is here if you want to make your own:

There is a very active discussion of this on Reddit: Pneumonia Deaths have fallen off a cliff this year, I wonder what could have caused this to happen.

Via: According to Hoyt:

…the 2019-2020 season shows week by week pneumonia mortality to be low compared to the last few years, which is not what I expected. What I truly did not expect was the sharp decline over the last few weeks.

4 Responses to “Pneumonia Deaths Declining Rapidly Since January [???]”

  1. staticwave says:

    “ COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.“

  2. Kevin says:



  3. soothing hex says:

    In Italy they were apparently able not to attribute deaths to COVID-19 in 88 % of persons tested positive who died. On deaths certificate that is.

    In the UK deaths by respiratory disease averaged in the 200 per day by the end of March (about in line with the average for the past 5 years). Now there are 600 announced COVID-19 deaths per day (NHS data).

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