Perspectives on the Pandemic with Professor Knut Wittkowski

April 10th, 2020

How many people with MDs and PhD have to call bullshit before the plug gets pulled on the Internet?

Oh. I forgot. It’ll be because of the conspiracy theorists:

Via: Journeyman Pictures:

“Social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.”

2 Responses to “Perspectives on the Pandemic with Professor Knut Wittkowski”

  1. soothing hex says:

    From the second video :

    In China and South Korea, the epidemic peaked before social distancing was in place, meaning that herd immunity was largely achieved.

    When fragile people (not kids) are isolated for a month or so, herd immunity is most effective since the virus is no longer circulating in the community when they join it again. Social distancing, on the contrary, prolongs the presence of the virus.

    Once immunity is acquired, it is maintained for years and is relevant for viruses that are related. The 2003 SARS-CoV pandemic may have protected people until now.

    When the immune system attacks infected cells, and this affects the mucosa, bacteria can easily settle. If people are not prescribed antibiotics early enough they may die of pneumonia (so Wittkowski thinks). This may have been a problem in NYC where people without health insurance hesitate to see a doctor.

    German, French and other data suffers from delayed announcements that caused artificial spikes.

  2. soothing hex says:

    Wittkowski considers that respiratory diseases are not favoured by outside environments, so that lockdown actually compounds the problem this way as well.

    He doesn’t seem to notice that at so late a time in the year, this may actually be a means to achieve a higher herd immunity.

    Another problem with his proposal is that comorbidy factors make a large part of the population potentially at risk, so their isolation could look quite like the lockdown experienced now.

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