Covid-19: 0.03% Fatality Rate in California

April 26th, 2020

Update: YouTube Deleted Video, Attempting to Censor This Information

Mirror #1: Mega

Mirror #2: Off-Guardian

Via: Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi Press Briefing – 23 ABC News KERO:

Part 1:

Part 2:

More: Two Bakersfield Doctors Cite Their Testing Data to Urge Reopening

Research Credit: BV, NH

2 Responses to “Covid-19: 0.03% Fatality Rate in California”

  1. dale says:

    These guys did a fantastic job with this presentation. They were baited more than once – but perfect, professional delivery. Both of them. They got stones. I hope this one spreads far and wide.

  2. mangrove says:

    These doctors come across as controlled opposition, despite their position about getting people back to work. Why? Because the one on the right stated “In order to open the economy, you have to have widespread testing. That’s number one, no question about it.”

    No question about it? I’ve got a lot of questions about the efficacy of the tests. Jon Rappoport and others have researched the PCR test and shown how extremely unreliable it is. Lots of false positives.

    Doc on the left later reiterates “Do we need to test them, and get them back to work? Yes we do.” The same doctor also slipped this in: “We’re going to work diligently to find a vaccine.”

    Brian of HighImpactVlogs broke this down well, imo. Some might say he’s expecting too much. I don’t see it that way. I’m extremely suspicious of these two doctors, and it should be noted that they’re getting mainstream attention and the videos are going viral. Hidden agenda to get people to accept the testing and vaccines? Sure stinks of it.

    How Did EVERYBODY Miss the CRAZY CR*P These Viral Doctors Spewed?

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