Israel’s Gaza Bombings a ‘Crime Against Humanity’

December 29th, 2008

Via: The Age:

ISRAEL’S bombing of the Gaza Strip is a massive violation of international law because it is punishing an entire population for the actions of a few.

That is the assessment of the United Nations regional envoy, Professor Richard Falk.

Yesterday, Professor Falk accused Israel of targeting civilians and of a disproportionate response to the threat posed by Hamas’ equally illegal rocket attacks on its southern border.

An emeritus professor of international law at Princeton University and a trenchant critic of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy, Professor Falk was again at odds with the White House, which has blamed Hamas for breaking the Gaza ceasefire.

The US used veto rights to block a UN Security Council resolution demanding an end to the Israeli attacks. The council instead issued a statement calling for a halt to violence.

While Israel said it targeted Hamas militants, Professor Falk said its air strikes hit the most densely populated area of the Middle East.

He said Israel’s blockade of Gaza led to food shortages and prevented medical aid from reaching the injured.

“Certainly the rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel are unlawful,” Professor Falk said.

“But that illegality does not give rise to any Israeli right … to violate international humanitarian law and commit war crimes or crimes against humanity in its response. The entire 1.5 million people who live in the crowded Gaza Strip are being punished for the actions of a few militants.”

Posted in Atrocities | Top Of Page

4 Responses to “Israel’s Gaza Bombings a ‘Crime Against Humanity’”

  1. dagobaz says:

    I am a Jew, and I am ashamed. These are not the actions of civilized people.

    These actions speak more to the decay of the state of Israel than anything else could: who but an impotent bully hurts those smaller than he is ? and, at what cost to his own soul ?

  2. Peregrino says:

    According to Scripture, fifteen centuries ago the Hebrews exterminated the Canaanites and piled the foreskins of all the males 12 and over into small mountains. Sometimes women and children were exterminated, too. But that was in obedience to God’s command. Today, sheesh. The Jews scorch a few Palestinians in retaliation and everybody screams. Where’s God when you need Him?

  3. Dennis says:

    Times’ve changed, Peregrino…I am so not going to say any more than that in this context.

    Not sure ‘retaliation’ is the best word to use here.

  4. Eileen says:

    I don’t think anyone should be ashamed about their religious views or credos at this point in time concerning this assault on Palestine. The BUSHCO has been itching to start a war somewhere. HERE THEY GO. War? Those that were once exterminated now exterminating another people. Truly, this is NOT A CIVIL WAr.
    @Peregrino, the Isreali’s have had a scorched earth policy since the day they first took over the Palenstine lands in the 1940’s that belonged to the PALESTINIANS and Jesus’s family. What? Were these land owners supposed to roll over and die for the displaced Jews? Please read something besides the Scripture for something more current re the devestation of the Palestinians.
    According to Scripture, thou also should not kill, keep false idols, or bear false witness against they neighbor. All these sins – oh but Yayweh, we of the Old Testament believe in cutting off balls, stoning women, whatever. All of this and more is in that Great Testament. Fools we are that don’t separate the wheat from the chaff and don’t want to know that the Bible is the product of a bunch of dudes who threw out the good stuff and only kept the parts like you quoted to keep wars and hatred and deception and the lies about who Jesus and Judas really were out of the “mainstream press.”

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