Going Vegetarian Can Lower Testosterone, Damage Libido in Men

April 17th, 2021

In other news, Bill Gates Wants Rich Countries To Move To 100% Synthetic Beef.

Via: StudyFinds:

Many people champion low-fat and vegetarian diets as the best ways to stay healthy, but is that really the case for men? A new study finds lowering fat also slashes male testosterone levels. The results can leave men choosing to go green with their diets suffering a loss of libido.

Researchers from the University of Worcester add the male sex hormone also protects against heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Results show vegetarian low-fat diets rank as the worst for men’s sexual health; decreasing testosterone by up to 26 percent.

These diets typically focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Such foods are rich in fiber and low in calories in comparison to meat and other animal products. Other low-fat diets cut this key chemical by 10 to 15 percent on average, according to the study.

“There were significant decreases in sex hormones on low-fat vs high-fat diets,” lead author and nutritional therapist Dr. Joseph Whittaker writes in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The findings reveal Europeans are particularly prone to the effects of these fashionable eating plans. Study authors looked at blood samples from over 200 men with an average age of 46.

“Low-fat diets appear to decrease testosterone levels in men,” Dr. Whittaker reports. “Men with European ancestry may experience a greater decrease in testosterone, in response to a low-fat diet.”

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