Germany: Large Arms Shipment to Ukraine

February 26th, 2022

I wonder what the plan is for keeping track of those Stinger missiles…

Is there a plan?

Via: ABC:

In a significant shift, the German government said Saturday it will send weapons and other supplies directly to Ukraine, which is fighting to keep Russia from invading its capital city. Germany is also ready to also support some restrictions of the SWIFT global banking system for Russia, officials said.

Germany’s chancellery announced Saturday evening that it will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 “Stinger” surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine “as quickly as possible.”

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks a turning point. It threatens our entire post-war order,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a statement. “In this situation, it is our duty to help Ukraine, to the best of our ability, to defend itself against Vladimir Putin’s invading army.”

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2 Responses to “Germany: Large Arms Shipment to Ukraine”

  1. dt says:

    I don’t understand these breezy commitments to send arms to Ukraine. How will that happen? I was completely shocked at the scale of the invasion. At the most, I expected assistance to the LDNR in the east. On reflection I see that, if there was to be intervention, it had to be full scale *specifically* to prevent resupply from the west. So Russia seized the airport at Kiev, they landed on the coast. I read Ukraine are now blowing their own bridges, which is great for stopping tanks, but terrible for resupply. While Russia may not have 100% control of air space, presumably it’s good enough to stop low, slow C-5s dropping palettes. One might say the whole *point* of the invasion is to prevent western resupply, now, and forever. So how are these weapons getting delivered? Is it just the thought that counts?

  2. Kevin says:

    I’m baffled by how they’re doing it too. I’ve been trying to figure it out for three days.

    Are the weapons/ammo/fuel handed off to the Ukrainians at the Polish border and then driven east?

    It’s hard to imagine any NATO aircraft at all in Ukrainian airspace. Russian airpower is in active combat there, and you have who knows how many people running around with surface to air missiles.

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