The Strange Claims of U.S. Government Disinformation Agent Richard Doty

June 14th, 2022

Richard Doty is a well known UFO disinformation operative and has admitted to lying about UFOs on behalf of the U.S. Government.

I don’t understand how anyone could take him seriously, but he is really, upping his game, so to speak, with his latest claims.

As the Tom DeLonge – Lue Elizondo operation fades away, we now have a former Air Force spook claiming that the Air Force refers to UFOs as, “Cardinals,” that aliens abducted children and that an escaped alien killed a man near Area 51.

If these things actually happened, why hasn’t Doty been arrested for his unauthorized release of top secret information?



3 Responses to “The Strange Claims of U.S. Government Disinformation Agent Richard Doty”

  1. cryingfreeman says:

    Glad to see you tagged it with “social engineering”.

    TPTB are definitely ramping up this particular psyop, which must means “disclosure” in some shape or form is coming. But to what end? Undoubtedly the same end as all the other evil they are throwing at humanity: tyrannical, supranational rule.

  2. Kevin says:

    This is definitely U.S. Government PSYOP. The biggest mystery to me is why it’s not all over Washington Post, New York Times, CNN etc.?

  3. cryingfreeman says:

    I have noticed a surge in UFO / ET articles in the UK’s media in the past year or so, always along the lines of “government is investigating” or “scientists are predicting ET life will be discovered soon”. Even the Russian language newspaper we used to buy in Latvia, “Vesti”, had an ET article in the recent past, discussing the “threat” ET might pose, if memory serves me right.

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