Chinese Make First Artificial Snowfall

April 19th, 2007

Via: Telegraph:

China claimed yesterday to have caused a snowfall for the first time as part of its increasingly ambitious attempts to control the weather.

Officials in the meteorological bureau in Tibet said they had used “rain-seeding” techniques to trigger a snowfall over the city of Nagqu last week.

China is the world’s largest practitioner of rain-seeding, a controversial procedure that involves releasing silver iodide as a catalyst into clouds either by aircraft or by firing cannon shells into them. It employs 37,000 people on the programme, which it uses to trigger rainfall principally to maximise water supply in the drought-prone north of the country, although in Beijing it is often said to be part of attempts to ensure a blue sky for major events.

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One Response to “Chinese Make First Artificial Snowfall”

  1. Brad Johnson says:

    Sorry but they’ve been seeding clouds for snowfall for many years; for example, ski areas do it.

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