More Epstein Files: Gates, Thiel, Murdoch, Branson

May 30th, 2023

Via: Daily Mail:

Presidents, prime ministers, royalty and famous names previously not linked to Epstein are also featured in the hundreds of pages of documents.

5 Responses to “More Epstein Files: Gates, Thiel, Murdoch, Branson”

  1. Snowman says:

    Seeing all these names, husbands and their wives at the top of major industries and govt., I can’t help but think that something else is going on here in addition to pedophilia. The very rich can get kids anytime they want from many sources and have been doing so for generations. (For example, Mark Twain got them directly from their parents.) Why source them from Epstein after he’s been publicly exposed, making you vulnerable to exposure, yourself?

    A wild speculation: Where do the rich people go to get infusions of kids’ blood to make themselves age more slowly? I read something in The Daily Mail a few years ago about QEII doing it. White wine could mean blood from a white kid. If it’s a direct transfusion, you’d want the donor ready when the recipient arrived.

    What else? Epstein is an alien contact who provides safe places for important people to meet with Them? (Not tongue-in-cheek; just a mind open to every possibility when it comes to speculating.)

  2. Kevin says:

    “What else? Epstein is an alien contact who provides safe places for important people to meet with Them?”

    Hmm. If you have more, please post it.

  3. Snowman says:

    I’m just speculating throughout my comment. I do have some evidence for the blood business, having read more than one article about it. But the alien business is an idea wholly my own. When I use a question mark, I mean ‘maybe’ or ‘what if’. As I think about it, I see that he would make a good contact for the aliens who abduct women to impregnate them. He’s supposed to have easy access to lots of very young but physically mature, very healthy, obedient women. Or maybe his CIA friends give the aliens children in exchange for some alien technology? So many kids go missing to somewhere.

    Where there may be extensive cover-ups, crimes are sometimes solved by imagining everything that the criminal could have done, then looking for evidence of each thing till you find the one that fits your evidence, a sort of reverse engineering of the criminal’s methodology. Not that anyone is seriously investigating Epstein, since he’s supposedly dead.

  4. Kevin says:

    There is some very far out stuff about Epstein and New Mexico and autistic children.

    For many years, I’ve thought that the honeypot component of Epstein was merely the tip of the iceberg…

    At some point, I’m going to read Whitney Webb’s books and filter that material through what I know about the UFO phenomenon. Pretty sure there’s going to be some crossover.

  5. Snowman says:

    “It seems like Epstein was a child predator in multiple senses.” Yes, seems like he is. He seems like a genius at exploiting every human to whom he gets access. His kind and extent of perversion is beyond what’s been done by anybody before, and I imagine he is very proud of himself. Webb is a brave womman.

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