Chinese Migrants Are Fastest Growing Group Crossing Into U.S. from Mexico, “We Can ‘Soft Control’ Users… To Drive Them Where We Want Them”

February 5th, 2024

Before watching the 60 Minutes piece below, please see this article from 2012: Using Virtual Worlds to ‘Soft Control’ People’s Movements in the Real One:

Researchers can’t force mobile users to behave in a certain way, but researchers at Northwestern University have found that they may be able to nudge users in the right direction by using incentives that are already part of their regular mobile routine.

“We can rely on good luck to get the data that we need, or we can ‘soft control’ users with gaming or social network incentives to drive them where we want them,” Bustamante said.

…drive them where we want them.

Now, pay close attention to the role that the mobile phones are playing in the invasion.

The U.S. Government is allowing China, via that regime’s TikTok app, to carry this out.

This is a military operation against the United States, no doubt about it. The part that will be difficult for most people to comprehend is that the the U.S. Government is facilitating the attack by funding NGOs and leaving the border open:

Via: 60 Minutes:

Related: Chinese Military Studying ‘Cognitive Attacks’ Against US Population

3 Responses to “Chinese Migrants Are Fastest Growing Group Crossing Into U.S. from Mexico, “We Can ‘Soft Control’ Users… To Drive Them Where We Want Them””

  1. Snowman says:

    What might happen if there are armed attacks by illegal immigrants within the states that have sent their National Guardsmen to Texas? Do sufficient Nat’l Guard and police forces remain to deal with such a situation?

    Where are the huge quantities of weapons that were purchased by the civilian federal agencies, like the IRS and the Dept of Education? Who has access to them? Under what circumstances will the fed govt bring them out for use? Whose use?

  2. Dennis says:

    Thank you for the reminder of those arms purchases; this is a story I’d like to see told.

  3. Loveandlight says:

    I shudder to even imagine what sort of blackmail-evidence the CCP has hanging over Joe Biden’s head. If the ultimate explanation goes even deeper and further than that, this would be something very interesting to learn about, too.

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