Dr. John Campbell: “White Clots Common,” “New Disease” [???]

February 10th, 2024

“White, fibrous clots… Embalmers are seeing these in clots in a high percentage of corpses.”

8 Responses to “Dr. John Campbell: “White Clots Common,” “New Disease” [???]”

  1. Snowman says:

    I’ve mentioned before that I first heard about these clots from an embalmer in 2021. He and his colleagues in areas more populous than ours blamed the vax. (The dr. being interviewed here never says ‘vax or ‘vaccine’. He says, “medical intervention”.)

    As for asking the CDC to investigate: it has been investigating the issues it deems significant and not investigating those it says are not, like govt always does. Did the 9/11 commission investigate the presence of thermite in the debris? No: how can you investigate what isn’t there? (I forget the name of this logical error, but ‘criminal negligence’ will do.)

  2. dale says:

    I watch these and the definition of heros appears. I remember seeing these artificial clots quite a while back. I filed it on the back burners of the mind (potential chaff, pictures on the internet, bullshit conspiracy theories). Nope, it’s real.

    Every jab has a batch number and the records (date/name/batch#) are collected. Every nose swab/jab has a name attached to each used kit (obviously, or you wouldn’t get results).

    How many purposeful variations (experiments) exist? It could be dozens. Artificial clots, turbo cancer, prion zombie decay, etc. And the experiments would not have to be restricted to death and sterilization. Genome modification. Wake me up please.

  3. Snowman says:

    I used the wrong words — it wasn’t negligence but intention and the targeting of groups, making each release of a vax or booster a terrorist attack. I still can’t quite comprehend genocide on this level though it is undeniably happening all around me, serial killing on a global scale. I guess that’s why so many people don’t believe it: it’s too bad to be true. We are awake, but reality is worse than anything we could dream up.

  4. Dennis says:

    Watched my first ever Super Bowl tonight.
    Pfizer ran an ad placing their founders among the luminaries of science and presenting themselves as the vanguard against cancer.

  5. dale says:

    Wow! I don’t watch thugball, never cared for it. So didn’t see the ad, but that Pfizer commercial sounds chilling. Who ya gonna believe? A polished ad assimilated by millions? Or some tinfoil cowboys?

    It is worse than anything you could dream up. It’s every Twilight Zone episode combined. The prequel to Mad Max.

  6. Kevin says:

    The Stupor Bowl, brought to you by Pfizer.

  7. Snowman says:

    I may be losing out on some valuable info, but I don’t look at ads because so many have proven to be lies and propaganda of evil intent. They are so polished that I’m afraid I’d absorb some part of them against my conscious will.

    Football seems to me the modern Am. version of gladiatorial combat. I don’t want to be lured into enjoying that, either.

    I can understand the globalists better when I remember
    the transhuman part of their agenda. They can tell themselves that the rest of us are all gonna die for a good cause, which is not just the extension of their own lives in GM bodies, but better lives for whomever comes after us… more of them, I guess.

  8. dale says:

    I appreciate Kunstler’s perspective –


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