And Now… US Rep. Mike Turner: “Information Concerning a Serious National Security Threat”

February 14th, 2024

Update: Probably an Anti Satellite System

Via: Reuters:

The space-based weapon U.S. intelligence believes Russia may be developing is more likely a nuclear-powered device to blind, jam or fry the electronics inside satellites than an explosive nuclear warhead to shoot them down, analysts said on Thursday.

Update: Russian Efforts to Develop Nuclear Capability in Space

On the U.S. side, the Boeing X-37 could be carrying a payload of fairy dust that spreads freedom and democracy during its missions that last multiple years in orbit.

Via: Reuters:

The United States has told Congress and allies in Europe about new intelligence related to Russian nuclear capabilities that could pose an international threat, a source briefed on the matter told Reuters on Wednesday.

The new capabilities, related to Russian attempts to develop a space-based weapon, do not pose an urgent threat to the United States, the source said.

Citing a current and a former U.S. official, the New York Times reported earlier that the new intelligence was related to Russia’s attempts to develop a space-based anti-satellite nuclear weapon. ABC News reported earlier that the intelligence had to do with such a capability. Current and former officials said the nuclear weapon was not in orbit.

Mmm hmm.

Get ready for them to wheel out yellow cake 2.0 as Lockheed et al. are poised to sink their fangs into another $95 billion.

In other news: Biden DHS May Release Thousands Of Detained Illegals Over $700 Million Budget Shortfall

One Response to “And Now… US Rep. Mike Turner: “Information Concerning a Serious National Security Threat””

  1. Snowman says:

    How did they find out about the fairy dust? That’s over-the-top secret! Heads are gonna roll..

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