Collapse in San Francisco

February 15th, 2024

This is clearly happening for a reason, but what’s the reason? I don’t buy the explanation that it’s just a bunch of stupid Democrats doing stupid things.

Is this acting as a sort of economic bomb to drive down property prices so some group can buy the place up?

What’s actually behind this?

Via: Tyler Oliveira:

2 Responses to “Collapse in San Francisco”

  1. Snowman says:

    The MSM and alt-media are full of videos of San Francisco and its suburbs. But on Youtube, we see that San Francisco is not the only one, just the one we are shown all the time. And it’s not only the big cities that are dying, but discrete sections of them when the rest if the city is still functioning. It’s medium-sized and small towns and even smaller towns, suburban and rural.

    In San Francisco, we hear people asking when the govt will take over and fix everything. Is that the goal, for people to become so disgusted with the mess and so used to hearing that the govt ought to clean it up that, when the govt does take it over, no one will object?

    “I Went To The Worst Ghettos In The United States: Part Two.”
    Belle Glade and Pahokie, FL, are two small towns formerly housing mostly manual and field laborers.
    At 3:13 — “Poverty is so bad, they’ve talked about dissolving these communities and just turning them over to the county.” What county? Palm Beach County, FL.

    Why is it taking so long? Maybe it’s because govt has nowhere else to put the people who still live in these places. Govt doesn’t want to invest in any more public housing (except for illegals, who appear to be their mercenaries), so it has to wait till drug abuse, genocidal medical interventions and man-made plagues kill them off in the streets and ghettos which all of the US is gradually being turned into. Maybe the mercenaries will be used to remove the bodies and take out any survivors. Then another vax can take out the mercenaries, who may be gathered conveniently in fortresses at that point.

    I don’t see the ultimate goal of this, either. It looks to me like the earth is so polluted that everything that man doesn’t directly destroy will be killed off by the consequences of his pollution and destruction. I think it will take Earth too long to recover from the chemicals, radiation and pathogens that will be everywhere for those folks down in their bunkers to outlive the waiting period and come out and restore everything with the frozen seeds and cells they have stored in their Arctic caves.

    It’s enough to make me wonder if the simplest explanation could be true: somebody who is not from Earth could have convinced certain earthlings to follow this path by promising them that they’ll own it all when the clean-up and restoration are complete, and they’ll live forever to enjoy it; whereas, the outsiders are actually just using the earthlings to get the destruction accomplished at no cost to themselves and will then kill off all the remaining earthlings and whatever is in their bunkers and caves that the outsiders don’t want, thereby gaining an entirely uninhabited planet for themselves.

    But why would they want this planet? Why not skip the lengthy destruction and recovery periods by choosing an uninhabited planet somewhere else? Maybe they don’t want Earth for itself, but for its natural rsources and the seeds and cells stored in those caves, with which they could turn another vacant planet into a new, Earth-like place. Or maybe it’s Earth’s location that is valuable to them. Or ???

  2. Snowman says:

    Or maybe it’s not aliens:

    Maybe the people who built the bunkers really do think they can stay down there indefinitely, transhumanising themselves, modeling their new bodies according to new scientific discoveries such as how the wolves at Chernobly manage to survive despite its radiation levels.

    Maybe their bunkers include stables of missing kids beiing raised to grow new body parts for them to keep renewing themselves with, piece by piece. (Maybe they already have that. It would explain why vast numbers of missing kids haven’t been found anywhere.)

    Or, maybe they know it’s all over for the planet and themselves but plan to party on till the last. They will have loaded their larders with staples like salt, sugar and cocaine. Maybe they have suicide pills down there in case waiting till the very end gets too unpleasant, or you-ll-die-happy drugs like fentanyl and the means of their production.

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