Latest Tesla Optimus Robot Progress

March 4th, 2024

They are noticeably reducing the Biden-style gait.

Via: Tesla:

5 Responses to “Latest Tesla Optimus Robot Progress”

  1. staticwave says:

    It walks like it’s trying to cautiously make its way to a bathroom with a load in its drawers heh. Could that be an intentional setting? To make it seem non-threatening?

  2. dale says:

    Wow. And human portions to a tee – imagine this thing with jeans, jacket, hat, gloves…

  3. dale says:

    …and a gun.

  4. dale says:

    Regarding clothing, sort of…

    The feet look like sneakers over a stub. I’m sure they’re not, but – if you remove them (in your mind) you see the robot waking on its heels. There appears to be no leverage from a “foot” and certainly no continued push from toes. Kind of explains the gait a bit.

    Not sure why I’m pointing this out. It’s interesting. I keep watching this extraordinary video; the complacency of workers to the spectacle, the many humanoid robots throughout the facility

  5. dale says:

    Breaking News / June 5, 2025

    Several dozen T-bots (Tesla Humanoid Robots) deployed at Point Reyes California to monitor last week’s third rupture along the San Andreas Fault.

    The deployment is rumored to be at the request of President Kennedy. Musk was unavailable for comment. This is the second deployment of T-bots specifically unrelated to boarder control.

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