New York Times: Turns Out We DO Have a Deep State… And It’s “Awesome”

March 22nd, 2024

This one belongs in the New York Times Hall of Fame.

Via: Off-Guardian:

After years of denials, the mainstream media has decided to admit the Deep State does exist…and apparently it’s “awesome”.

At least, according to this new video from the New York Times…

The video itself is a six-minute strawman, presenting interviews with rocket scientists – as if they genuinely think that’s what people mean when they refer to the deep state – then piling on insanely manipulative attempts to “humanise” the concept of the Deep State by talking about these guys’ hobbies and interests.

It’s cheesy and flippant and every bit as cringe as it sounds…

2 Responses to “New York Times: Turns Out We DO Have a Deep State… And It’s “Awesome””

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Certain newspapers (I would include Washington Post and Boston Globe on the list) really are not much more than reliable mouth-pieces for the political class.

  2. Snowman says:

    Certain alt-media sites also, alas, mix one or two pro-globalist/Deep State items in with their news more or less frequently.

    Since the govt has lately gone pro-UFO, perhaps this ‘humanizing’ of the rocket scientists is part of a cunning plan to humanize the aliens?

    Hmmm… Blackadder returns to earth as second mate on a starship… or as an irreverent angel…

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