UK: Private “Super Wardens” Wear Headmounted Cameras, Issue Tickets for Antisocial Behavior

May 24th, 2007

Via: Manchester Evening News:

PRIVATELY-employed ‘super wardens’ are to go on patrol in Greater Manchester wearing head-mounted video cameras.

The 20 parking attendants, who work for NCP Services, will be the first in the country to be issued with the equipment.

Their main role is to issue parking tickets but under legislation brought in last year they will also have powers to give on-the-spot fines for anti-social behaviour.

Salford council has asked the wardens to issue penalties up to £80 for offences which include littering, flyposting and allowing dogs to foul the pavement. NCP will use the film as evidence to back up their wardens if any fine is challenged and also in the event of any attack or abuse.

In some cases the footage could be handed to police and used in court.

The first wardens fitted with the RoboCop style cameras will go on patrol in Salford from the NCP HQ in Eccles next month.

7 Responses to “UK: Private “Super Wardens” Wear Headmounted Cameras, Issue Tickets for Antisocial Behavior”

  1. Duder says:

    They’re calling them ‘wardens’!?!?

    …paging number 6…number 6…number…6…

    be SEEING you

  2. fallout11 says:

    We want…..information. Information. Information!

    You won’t get it.

    By hook, or by crook….we will.

  3. George Kenney says:

    Would making a flamethrower out of gasoline and a SuperSoaker count as anti-social?

  4. For some reason, Orwellian developments in Britain seem less frightening. Can’t you just picture the cop politely writing the ticket. “Dreadfully sorry, can’t have dogs mess the pavement, what?”

    But come on, how long before the public reacts and starts beating the living crap out of these people? Seriously. What about the dreaded football hooligans? Where the hell are they when they are needed?

    Of course, these kind of tickets will probably only be “administered” to people who are likely to pay them without putting up a fuss.

    This seems like exactly the kind of straw that could break the camel’s back and lead to counter-vigilantism.


  5. bikerangie says:

    What? Parking attendants are now “Super-Wardens”? WTF?

  6. Mike Lorenz says:

    Ok, who else watched the flamethrower video and thought to themselves, “Hey, that’s a damn good idea. If things get bad enough, something like that might be really handy”.? Of course I wonder how much longer they played with that thing before it blew up in their hands.

    *Note to self: Buy Super Soaker*

    – Mike Lorenz

  7. wolfpigeon says:

    Why do Traffic wardens have the yellow line around their hats? So that you don’t park on their heads.
    I think this may have more to do with preventing the high level of verbal and physical abuse they attract in their role as the most hated of the UK’s public servants.

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