Judicial Watch Uncovers Three Deaths Relating to HPV Vaccine

May 26th, 2007

UPDATE: Read the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Reports

That document is 1,637 pages long.

This is the most ominous thing that I have seen in recent memory. Profit motivation isn’t a sufficient explanation. They are targeting young women at or approaching reproductive maturity.



The range of terrifying reactions experienced by the victims is astonishing, everything from extended pain and discomfort, to passing out on the spot after receiving the shot (falling off the exam table), but for the really chilling stuff, use your PDF viewer to search for the phrase LIFE THREATENING, or GUILLAIN.

— End Update —

Watch Merck’s PR machinery and trolls kick into high gear in an attempt to manage this catastrophic news about their latest miracle drug/poison.

Via: Judicial Watch:

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released documents obtained from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, detailing 1,637 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. Three deaths were related to the vaccine. One physician’s assistant reported that a female patient “died of a blood clot three hours after getting the Gardasil vaccine.” Two other reports, on girls 12 and 19, reported deaths relating to heart problems and/or blood clotting.

As of May 11, 2007, the 1,637 adverse vaccination reactions reported to the FDA via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) included 371 serious reactions. Of the 42 women who received the vaccine while pregnant, 18 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal abnormities.

Side effects published by Merck & Co. warn the public about potential pain, fever, nausea, dizziness and itching after receiving the vaccine. Indeed, 77% of the adverse reactions reported are typical side effects to vaccinations. But other more serious side effects reported include paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures.

“The FDA adverse event reports on the HPV vaccine read like a catalog of horrors,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Any state or local government now beset by Merck’s lobbying campaigns to mandate this HPV vaccine for young girls ought to take a look at these adverse health reports. It looks as if an unproven vaccine with dangerous side effects is being pushed as a miracle drug.”

Flashback: Texas Requires HPV Vaccine for Girls

11 Responses to “Judicial Watch Uncovers Three Deaths Relating to HPV Vaccine”

  1. BostonGemini says:

    I can’t stand big pharma, and have no confidence in the safety of many drugs/vaccines. But, isn’t Judicial Watch a right wing organization with an axe to grind? I think they may have objections to the HPV vaccine other than its safety. That is to say, they may be in the camp that would rather have girls get HPV if they engage in sex than have them innoculated against one of the potential consequences.

  2. vortexentity says:

    When I read this article I had a flash back to the movie “Children of Men” which was based on the premise that all of the women of the world suddenly in one generation could no longer conceive children.

    I had the strongest impression that the desire of the globalist to reduce the human population to no more than 5 million people world wide was realized with this time delayed biotechnology weapon in the form of the Merck HPV vaccine.

    It was a spooky thought but is certainly a possible outcome.

  3. Kevin says:

    @ BostonGemini

    The information that resulted from the FOIA request is much more interesting than trying to shoot the messenger.

    As analysts, we need to be honest with ourselves, and that includes dealing with good information uncovered by people we may not agree with.

    I treat all information outlets as propaganda. And you should too, including Cryptogon. That forces a much more rigorous consideration of the data presented.

  4. bob m says:

    “I treat all information outlets as propaganda. And you should too, including Cryptogon. That forces a much more rigorous consideration of the data presented.”

    very nice to see that kevin.

  5. EdQ says:

    2 vortexentity Says:
    May 26th, 2007 at 5:27 pm

    “women of the world suddenly in one generation could no longer conceive children.”
    “biotechnology weapon in the form of the Merck HPV vaccine.”
    Not to spread propaganda, It certainly crossed my mind last year when it first hit the snooze, my first reaction was,What better way to sterilize all these girls and young women. And from something that, if you look at other deaths and related causes, doesn’t kill that many. It all seemed to happen real fast as it went from Voluntary,to Mandatory in some states as a test run to see if it would be accepted,and back to Voluntary because it wasn’t accepted.

    Back in the early 70’s they had a similar vaccination program. It was for everybody and in my area needed because of an almost unheard of ‘Scarlet Fever’. They administered it while they had us in school. I remember one class mate fainting, and one dieing after the inoculation.

    After this latest hit the mainstream,I asked my mother what she remembered about me and others being Vaccinated while in school in the early 70’s. Odd thing………………She doesn’t recall me and others at the school, including my brother and sister ever getting or being told we would be getting shots.

    I remember getting it. They used a gun type injection tool, just like you see in the movies.And if I recall,I remember something about this being a test for this new mass injection tool.

    Well long story short, I wonder if the amount and rise of different forms of cancer in people my age came from these injections in the 70’s.

    Anybody else old enough remember or heard of this in the early 70’s?

  6. DrFix says:

    I’m glad I pulled my kids out of Texas Public Schools if for only this one reason. The dictatorial attitude of the governor and his lackeys only reinforced that decision.

  7. Mikeg says:

    //MOD Mikeg, I’m not allowing shoot the messenger comments and your reckless, uninformed speculation that could put people’s lives in danger. Read the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Reports on Gardasil. Search the document for LIFE THREATENING or GUILLAIN. That might clear some things up for you. —Kevin

  8. qd says:

    @ EdQ

    Where did you go to school? Whenever the immunisation topic comes into conversation between my father and I, he always says something like, “No, you’re wrong – we need to be immunised. I remember when I was a kid we were dead scared of Scarlet Fever…” He remembers hearing that that it “killed kids” but never knew of anyone in particular who died from it. That was in the 50’s and early 60’s.

    I do believe that many/most “shots” cause cancer and other illnesses . It’s a shame that most of the people who actually have at least half a brain and seem to care about childrens’ health are happy with the potential side-effects of the crap, instead of looking further into it…

  9. EdQ says:

    @ qd https://cryptogon.com/?p=788#comment-8189

    I went to school in Centerl west GA, The home of the Infantry 🙂 This was when I was in 6th grade in 72-1973 .

  10. Jeannette says:

    The idea that immunizations are “necessary” and that they “save lives” is based more on emotive fear-mongering and cult of expertise bullying than hard data. I can recall reading some time ago that the actual recorded cases of polio haven’t really decreased much over the past fifty years; the medical industry has simply shuffled these cases around and reassigned them under new terminology.

    Gardasil is a disaster, plain and simple, and the whole case for it is based on lies and disinfo. It’s pretty clear what’s going on here and Christ only knows the horrors that these girls will face later on in life as a result of being subjected to this poison.

  11. bikerangie says:

    I got scaelet fever at 16 y/o. Yes it sucked, but it was easy to get over, and no ill effects later on. I got the chicken pox vaccine at 3 or so…and ended up with shingles 30-some years later. Ouch!

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