Waiting for the Government to Save Us?

December 23rd, 2006

Worried about savage city people invading your lifestyle block, hobby farm or remote compound?

It’s not going to happen.

In fact, the savage city people who are buying up rural property lately will most likely stay home; in the city.

The reality is that nearly everybody in the cities will stay where they are and do whatever they are told by whatever authority presents itself as “in charge” (government, warlord, armed gang, etc.)

A tiny number of people have been talking about taking action, mostly on the Internet. And most of these people stop short of actually doing anything. This is the limited hangout doomer. “Yes, things are collapsing, but I’ll sit tight in my urban condo and wait for something to actually happen before I do anything,” sums up this logic.

For people like me, my wife and the woman in the article below, low impact, low energy footprint living isn’t some whim or yuppy fad. We would be living like this, collapse or no collapse, Peak Oil or infinite energy. The number of people who want to actually live this way is small. Very small. And I don’t think that collapse will change that number. As things fall apart, most people, not all, but most will beg to suck on the tit of the nanny state. Failing that, ugliness will ensue and warlords and criminals will assume control. Kindof like now, but minus the bullshit.

Via: TheTyee:

“To me, what is ironic and even bizarre is that the ideas that were generated by that back to the land movement 30 years ago are steadily being rediscovered and reiterated by the new apocalypse movement: organic farming, locally grown food, alternative energy, conserving energy, getting off the grid, simple living. Only somehow none of these ideas seem to involve actually living on the land where they can actually be implemented and thus they tend to remain just that, ideas.

“Do I think that there will be a new wave of back to the landers? No, and I certainly hope not. I think if something does go wrong, most people will huddle in the suburbs and wait to be rescued by the government.”

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2 Responses to “Waiting for the Government to Save Us?”

  1. Hayduke says:

    Some of us are living it day to day. We call it living in place.


  2. fallout says:

    Fleeing to the hills won’t work for most. It’s just that simple. There must be both desire and ability. Lacking either, and it won’t happen. Just as Kevin says.
    For those that do, they’re in the lifeboats.
    The rest either have to make do with what they can scrape together, in place, (as Hayduke suggests), or do nothing (the vast majority alluded to by Kevin).
    In the former case, think of it as lashing deck chairs together to make a raft.
    In the latter case, those folks have elected to stay on the ship, in hopes that salvation will hove into view any moment. All the better for those in the first two categories…..there never will be enough lifeboats or deck chairs.

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