Blood Money and More Blood Money

June 28th, 2007

On the one hand, you’ve got a reporter talking about Cheney and his privatized genocide and ripoffs.

Then you’ve got a story about how the U.S. Army has just awarded $150 BILLION worth of contracts for more of the same, except with three corporations, instead of one.

It’s just a nonstop meat grinder of doom on an unimaginable scale. Is there any point in even looking at these stories anymore?

Posted in Outsourced, War | Top Of Page

2 Responses to “Blood Money and More Blood Money”

  1. peregrino says:

    The only point would be in the hope that the oligarchs become so complacent in their victory over democracy that they expose their hands so egregiously that the average person reacts. But any average-person initiative would have to empower people of conscience to wholly transform government from one reliant upon political campaigns to some improved, as-yet apparently unimagined system that would protect the individual while preventing the accumulation of excess power in the hands of the few. If there is such a system, it will have to rise from the roots and may take the form of a network designed to slough power dynamically from stronger nodes to weaker nodes to maintain balance. There is possibly a system at work in the world today that would work; the people will have to discover it and revise it to fit the needs of government. Whether that happens, or whether people of genius and conscience will need to design one out of whole cloth, is there any hope that it can happen before system crash? Meanwhile, like the frog, keep kicking in the cream. Butter will form. History shows that it always does. The darkest hour is just before dawn. But to be realistic, some of history’s darkest hours have been pretty dark.

  2. Eileen says:

    An average person in the U.S. has a job, is up to their eyeballs in debt,and most likely feels very fortunate to make it from home to work and back each day in a gas guzzling vehicle in a commute that gets longer and longer each day. Oh sure, this person multiplied by millions is going to have a desire to “do something” about the malfeasance in government contracting?
    I didn’t think so either.
    Fugged about it. All those lovely people who tried to stop this “ponce de leon” awarding of contracts were fired, demoted, Blackballed.
    We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. The rule of law left the building or what’s left of it years ago. Suck it up.

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