Scientists Enhance Intelligence of Mice with Human Brain Cells

March 8th, 2013


Via: io9:

It’s not quite Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but it may not be too far off, either. By grafting human glial cells into the brains of mice, neuroscientists were able to “sharply enhance” their cognitive capacities. These improvements included augmentations to memory, learning, and adaptive conditioning. It’s a breakthrough that could yield important insights into the treatment of human brain disorders.

To conduct the experiment, the scientists created human chimeric mice — mice that were endowed with human glial cells.

Source: Forebrain Engraftment by Human Glial Progenitor Cells Enhances Synaptic Plasticity and Learning in Adult Mice

One Response to “Scientists Enhance Intelligence of Mice with Human Brain Cells”

  1. bloodnok says:

    Maybe not Planet of the Apes so much as Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH:

    (One of my favourite books as a kid)

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