Theresa Duncan, Jeremy Blake, the Devil and Dick Cheney

July 25th, 2007

Theresa Duncan announced that she was working on an essay called, “The Devil and Dick Cheney.” Two days later, she was dead and now Jeremy Blake, her boyfriend, is missing. According to legend, he was last seen taking off his clothes and wading out into the ocean. While his body has not been found, his wallet, clothing and a suicide note were found under the boardwalk.

That’s just the beginning, but of what, precicely, I’m quite sure we’ll never know.

Jeff Wells is following the story here and here. He points out the even weirder tributaries and dark backwaters, for those of you who dare to look.

Here’s the New York Times version, for whatever that’s worth.

3 Responses to “Theresa Duncan, Jeremy Blake, the Devil and Dick Cheney”

  1. Eileen says:

    I looked – I read, also all the comments. How could I resist?
    Used to be a thing going round about all of the dead bodies that Bill Clinton left in his wake. In retrospect, that list is Laughable compared to all of the “suicides” and somehow unexplainable dead bodies found round the world of persons with info connected to well you name it – drugs,elections, Enron, Iraq, Bush, Rove, and DARTH, and cascading verboten topics related to any and all of the above.
    Everyone in world walks the thin line between life and death – but when you “commit suicide” after writing about members of the gay blade, kiddie porn, get off on shoe sniffing cult that no one can mention by name, suicide is not a viable cause of death.
    Suicide by pills, take it to the bank, that is NOT a way out. This method rarely succeeds. Its just too painful. You’d probably die from barfing it all up rather than dying peacefully in your sleep.
    This is another crime smeared with crap all over it.
    But it seems this is now the method of choice. You know, all those weird plane crashes just got to hard to handle.

  2. amanfromMars says:

    “”A need to tell and hear stories is essential to the species Homo sapiens – second in necessity apparently after nourishment and before love and shelter,” she wrote, quoting novelist Reynolds Price. “Millions survive without love or home, almost none in silence.””

    That shouts out that she was silenced from speaking and a lie is always easily exposed as a lie but the truth is something which you can never hide away from as it always reveals you to it in the end as it reveals those who would try to hide it………. and the dumb thing is for what, to create even more lies incriminating and creating even more liars, decent men and women played for and playing fools?

    And the simplest of questions asked will always be best answered with a simple Yes or No to get straight to the heart of the Truth.

  3. DrFix says:

    Thats some creepy shit. I read it and it gave me the heebie-jeebies all over again. You hear about it and hear about it, read over and over, get bombarded with this stuff and you think you’ve built up some sort of thick “skin” in order to deflect things, but then it hits you again and you realize that the world is more full of evil than is imaginable.

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