Genocide: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bush Adminstration’s Bio-Fuel Plan

July 26th, 2007

Via: Global Research:

In the mid-1970’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a protégé of the Rockefeller family and of its institutions stated, “Control the oil and you control entire nations; control the food and you control the people.” The same cast of characters who brought the world the Iraq war, the global scramble to control oil, who brought us patented genetically manipulated seeds and now Terminator suicide seeds, and who cry about the “problem of world over-population,” are now backing conversion of global grain production to burn as fuel at a time of declining global grain reserves. That alone should give pause for thought. As the popular saying goes, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.”

Related: Rising Food Prices Curb Aid To Global Poor

Posted in Kill Off | Top Of Page

6 Responses to “Genocide: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bush Adminstration’s Bio-Fuel Plan”

  1. tochigi says:

    Thier enthusiasm for driving down global grain stocks and driving up food prices seems somewhat, cavalier, shall we say…

    not that I am implying that They are the high-born supporters of King Richard and Prince George, who are fond of fashionable, extravagant clothing…but…

  2. pai mei says:

    “”Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” – Kissinger

    Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine.”
    Food vs Fuel

  3. Jim Burke says:

    Remember, Little Georgy is the Grandson of Prescott Bush. He helped to try and overthrow Roosevelt in ’33 to install a fascist gov’t in the US.
    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Oh, this is just great! It turns out that people I thought were extremists–the ones who’ve been expecting a massive die-off and suggesting that it will not be an act of nature, but an act of policy–were right all along.

    Much of it, of course, appears to be planned for the resource-rich third world, where all those people would like to retain their resources for the use of their own people. But how much of this will occur in the US as well?

  5. bob m says:


    enough to make the spainish infuenza outbreak seem like a bad cold in comparison.

  6. Kiki says:

    Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m really not sure of this bit of information or of its relevance.

    I read somewhere that USA grain silos are full of wheat every year even after producing all the bread, but they burn and don’t give it away because they don’t want to skew with the prices of bread or something like that.

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