Chomsky on Who Was Really Behind the JFK Murder and 9/11: “Who Cares?”

October 30th, 2007

To any of you who still think that the limousine liberal industrial complex isn’t in on it, here’s the high priest himself on two of the most significant political events in recent history.

Translation: Just go to another shit-for-brains protest and listen to these lectures for a few more decades.

7 Responses to “Chomsky on Who Was Really Behind the JFK Murder and 9/11: “Who Cares?””

  1. remrof says:

    are you implying that chomsky actually has knowledge about conspiracies, and is dismissing them to discourage people from pursuing those ideas?

    it seems more likely to me that conspiracy theories probably invalidate some part of chomsky’s massive framework of preconceptions about how the world works, and he’s too old/closeminded/lazy/afraid to reconsider them.

    sounds like typical far left ignorance to me.

  2. Eileen says:

    You might be the last person in the world left standing who can still crack me into laughter with your world view.
    Yah ( as the Svedish would say) Vat does it matter that GHWB put a penile (har) impant into his evil sperm and DNA that would ensure at least one of his sire’s were impregenated with so much effing nonsense that it would ensure world annihilation? At the very least GHWB’s sperm bank has ensured world financial ruin – Yah, we had the Savings and loan crisis. Now we have Iraq. Yah, you cannot make this shit up.
    Chompsky? Never been there, done that. What for?
    As a former Catholic, for me to read Chompsky and his view on the events of JFK and 9/11 would be like me reading about views on sex from within the brotherhood of the Catholic church.
    Yah, let us take the youngsters under our wings and fuck them under the guise of the sacrament of confession. Yah, we priests in the Catholic church will teach you about confession. And you will LIKE it.
    Chompsky – are so deaf, dumb, and blind and do you have peter between your legs? that you can tell ME about anything? Join your brethren in the makes of Arlen Specter – yah, that single bullet went round the world and somehow “managed” to kill JFK. Yah, and the planes brought down the WTC, and no, Cheney and Halliburton had no liability re asbestos in the Towers, and no, Iraq has not been about Cheney reviving his resume or finally Getting some visa vie the Council on Foreign Relations. Yah.
    Yah. everyone is so happy to hear that Dick’s big dick sired some brothers. What a hoot and a half.
    And yah, I still have a sense of humor. HA HA HA. Anyone know where to get iodine pills for the after effects of nuclear war? Ha ha ha. Just kidding. All of this. All of it. Yah.

  3. Aaron says:

    If we’re all human and incapable of being right about everything why does everyone make such a big deal about Chomsky not agreeing with them on this stuff.

    I mean, say we convince Chomsky that he’s wrong about JFK and 9-11, then what?

    We’re so obsessed with personality (as reinforced by mainstream media) that we always need to know who’s saying something before we can assess what they say. Chomsky does a lot of analysis which I gain from but I’m perfectly capable of disagreeing with him on these two issues without having to dismiss the rest of his work and without having to imagine some conspiracy to explain what he’s doing.

    Basically I think most people can only go so far with this stuff – and least we forget, most people aren’t prepared to go as far as Chomsky does, it’s more a matter of personality than whether someone is left or right-wing. I mean I tend toward the left (or more accurately, away from the right 🙂 and reading a book of Chomksy essays was the thing that woke me up but I haven’t chained my belief system to his. Much better to rely on my own judgement than some guy I’ve never met.

    Besides which, It’s kind of irrelevant whether whether you stop at Chomsky or move on out to Alex Jones or even David Icke, it’s painfully obvious that we’re living in a Matrix, the real question is what are we going to do now that the veil has been lifted from our eyes.

  4. Kevin says:

    The problem with Chomsky is that it’s literally all talk no action; unless that means another limousine ride to a lecture. It gets to me because so much of what he says is correct and people (students mainly) think it’s enough to go to a lecture and listen; maybe wave a sign at some point. But that’s it.

    Does Chomsky ever say anything about confronting fascism in any tangible way? (I don’t know. In 15 years of listening to him and reading his material, I haven’t noticed anything along those lines, but maybe I missed it. There’s a lot of claptrap from the 1960’s that didn’t work then and won’t work now.)

    I agree with you, Aaron: In a way, it’s silly to be upset with him, because he talks about incontrovertible realties that are much more horrific than 9/11 or JFK, etc. and what has it accomplished… Yeah, even if he did go further down the rabbit hole, “Who cares?”

  5. messianicdruid says:

    Who CAN care? You wanna say goodbye to your kids and grandkids and drive off with a 30-30 headed to Washington? For who? For the people who live around you, that are busy poking their neighbor’s old lady while he’s at work? For the kid that bought your old pickup that says about the ME “nuke em all let God sort it out”? For the ________ with three kids, all different daddies, collecting child support from man #7of9 {who’s sterile}?

    For what, more of the American Nightmare? Disease instilled via “food” and treated {never cured!!} via pharmacy. Teachers who moan about stupid kids without realizing they are the stoopidizers.

    Fix me! I’m looking for something that will actually work. But to stick my head in a noose that the taxpayers must pay for, and leave my family to survive alone, for a nation that would spit on me {and them} for trying, no thanks. As the song says “there’s your problem”.

  6. triad60 says:

    Chomsky could knowingly or unknowingly be an
    aide to TPTB. Creating an intellectual schizophrenia
    is a lot cheaper than guns to defeat a people.
    Don’t go running down rabbit holes over every
    mystery of record.

    Realize we’re being played financially, mentally
    and spiritually.

    They would like us to value life in numbers,
    dollars, gold, silver McMansions etc.. DO NOT
    value yourself or others this way.

    Read books by John Taylor Gatto and see how
    from kindergarten on we are being programmed
    to be serfs by our feudal overlords.

    And escape from Churchianity – if there is
    a creator he does not need a college educated
    overpaid mouthpiece to relate to you. His
    creation should speak clearly enough.

    This website is very good at making you think.
    Keep it up.

  7. Eileen says:

    Your comment – “Realize we’re being played financially, mentally and spiritually…they would like us to value life in numbers,dollars, gold, silver McMansions etc.. DO NOT value yourself or others this way” – resonates with me. I don’t like being played with.
    Trying to get a grip on being played with on sll levels mentioned.
    The OHM quotient – being still inside myself while all roils by gets harder by the second hand, if you know what I mean.

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