New Alex Jones Documentary: End Game: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

October 30th, 2007

About two dozen people have sent me emails about the new Alex Jones film, End Game: Blueprint for Global Enslavement.

My Internet access is A) slow and B) metered. I need to wait until I visit my mother and father in laws’ place to download videos like this.

Yes, I want to watch it. No, I haven’t had a chance to yet. I typically don’t link to videos I haven’t been able to watch. Maybe I should have with this one… Maybe not. I don’t know. But here it is:

More: Main Endgame Page

More: Very High Quality Version of Endgame

9 Responses to “New Alex Jones Documentary: End Game: Blueprint for Global Enslavement”

  1. peter says:

    one of us could download, burn and mail it to you, might even be faster.

  2. Kevin says:

    That’s kind but we’re going to be going over in the next couple of days. 😉

  3. peter says:

    btw, I like Alex’s energy, but I think he’s a bit misguided. He needs to focus on teach people how to educate tehmselves and organize to take back political power rather than just frothing up the milk.

  4. shephurt says:

    Peter, you still believe that you could take back the power from TPTB? It might be possible, but certainly not within the current power-system. The risk of getting d-tained if you try it now is enormous. Education is important though, empowerment also.

  5. Mark says:

    Just got done watching it, it’s pretty good stuff!

  6. Freakaloin says:

    don’t taze me bro! 🙂

  7. Ace says:

    The video has some good facts. However, Alex Jones’ approach of mixing those facts with unsupported opinions and conclusions is misleading, manipulative and irresponsible. It feels like a propaganda film. I suspect he’ll end up doing more damage than good to the movement he supports.

  8. remrof says:

    i was keeping an eye on the view count the day it came out. google apparently manipulates it, because it stopped counting at around 64k for quite some time, and it’s hard to believe that only 20k more people have seen it since then.

    but why would google give a damn? it seems so petty.

  9. imark says:

    As I watched this horrifying video, I kept asking myself why, why, why? If these Bildergergers are really that nefarious, and I must admit, Jones’s analysis seems at least plausible, why create such a hideous future they themselves have to live in? If I were those guys I’d be so paranoid of French revolution type action I could not function. Regardless, Alex Jones is doing a great service by getting these outrageous explanations out there. As outrageous as this film is, it explains what I see better than the MSM has so far managed.

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