Caption Contest

January 26th, 2012

It's low tide over here! Dewar's, neat, and make it a double.

It's low tide over here! Dewar's, neat, and make it a double.

17 Responses to “Caption Contest”

  1. choice #1

    “Meow? Really? You think I said ‘Meow’? No, what I said was “wow, as in wow, Mitt, your time at Bain has left you confused.”

    choice #2

    “Listen, I’ve had a couple already. Let’s just face it, ok. The media is paying for all of this. Just elect me, and laugh with me. I’m going to be president. This voting garbage is overrated.”

  2. steve holmes says:

    Bbbrrrraaaaaaaakkkkk!!!!! Oops, pardon me.

  3. steve holmes says:

    I swear, I’m not a drunk like Tip O’neal…even if I’m starting to look like him.

  4. steve holmes says:

    And when i got my pants down, the doctor whipped out his finger like this…

  5. Kevin says:

    Yes! He’s conjuring Tip O’Neill for sure.

  6. Kevin says:

    Bbbrrrraaaaaaaakkkkk!!!!! hahaha

  7. Miraculix says:

    “Do you have ANY idea where this finger has been?”

  8. zxkuqyb says:

    but it wasn’t cheating, because she didn’t swallow…

  9. steve holmes says:

    Nancy Pelosi can pull my finger on election day.

  10. spOILer says:

    She turned me… into a Newt!

    Well, I got better.

  11. Difranco says:

    Only one time at Bohemian Groove and I kept my eyes closed so it doesn’t count.

  12. Difranco says:

    grove not groove!

  13. freeacre says:

    “You’ve set me up to be the First Slut. Just wait for your NEXT divorce. We’ll see who will be laughi8ng then, asshole…”

  14. Mucius Porsena says:

    So I told Romney, look, don’t try to bullshit a bullsh–I mean, sociopath.

  15. ENERGYMAN says:

    And then i said “Sex with one woman for the rest of my life?
    You gotta be kidding me Marianne!”
    And then I laughed in her crippled face.

  16. Eileen says:

    One look at the wife and I think Newt is drunk as a skunk and is still not getting any. Sheesh I hate to pick on women (when the man in the picture is the more obvious ahole), but man, what’s with the bleached blonde stiff coiffe? And the low cleavage?
    Just reads to me that this is one unhappy woman and its all a show.
    Newt might as well stick that finger up his nose and show us what he found. The man is a moron.

  17. prov6yahoo says:

    Keep telling yourself: As long as he keeps giving me money, as long as he keeps giving me money…..

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