Another Round of Fed Bond Buying Is ‘An Option That’s Certainly On the Table’

January 26th, 2012

Via: Bloomberg:

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the Federal Reserve is considering additional asset purchases to boost growth after extending its pledge to keep interest rates low through at least late 2014.

Policy makers are “prepared to provide further monetary accommodation if employment is not making sufficient progress towards our assessment of its maximum level, or if inflation shows signs of moving further below its mandate-consistent rate,” Bernanke said at a news conference today after a Federal Open Market Committee meeting in Washington. Bond buying is “an option that’s certainly on the table.”

Posted in Economy, Elite | Top Of Page

2 Responses to “Another Round of Fed Bond Buying Is ‘An Option That’s Certainly On the Table’”

  1. Dennis says:

    ‘Assets’, huh? Funny.

  2. alvinroast says:

    I think part of the point of this ‘Option that’s certainly on the table’ is to suggest that they’re not already engaged in QE3.

    What they don’t mention is that they are flooding Europe with dollars at the same time that they’re continuing the bond ‘exchanges’ at home.

    To put the exchanges in perspective:
    I’m overdue to donate to Cryptogon. I was planning to donate this January, but I’ve decided to exchange that IOU for a promise to donate in January 2040. I’m sure Kevin won’t mind waiting. It’s not a new IOU, I’m just changing the terms a bit. Of course the difference in term won’t have any effect on Kevin’s household economy or on mine.

    If you believe that I’ve got some 30 year bonds I’d like to sell you.

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