Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve

February 22nd, 2007

Posted in Economy | Top Of Page

9 Responses to “Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve”

  1. Mark says:

    Ron Paul, one of the few men in Congress who knows what the heck he is talking about. It’s a shame he’s not the President.

  2. tmb says:

    The fact is in both State Legislatures and Congress most representatives are nothing but clowns. Ron Paul is the real deal of what a congressman should be, interested, enlightened, and trying to represent the people to their best interests in what has become a dire situation – – there are very few like him.

    I worked in the Florida legislature for several years, and was told Congress was worse, and it was a farce. A couple ruthless right wing types ran the show and the rest was largely taken over by moronic born again christian types elected by mega-churches and christian right loonies, all they care about is abortion restrictions and laws that “help business” i.e. big business to the detriment of normal working people. One example: for the billionaire Wayne Huzienga who owns Alamo Rental Cars, under the guise of “tort reform” they capped damages you can obtain by a jury for losses you sustain when you get hit by a tourist, drunk or whatever, and crippled (lose your legs, quad etc.) at $100,000 thus allowing old Wayne to save on those insurance premiums at the loss of catastrophically injured men, women, and children. Ths system is a joke and the worse thing that ever happened to the U.S.A. is evangelical christianity, totally manipulated by big business and right wing fascists . . .

  3. tmb says:

    Actually, it may not be Alamo but one of the others which I can’t recall, but one of the big car companies in Florida Huzienga has, or had, the controlling interest in . . . he’s a big buddy of our ex-governor JEB, who was big on helping all his friends as he “privatized” our government by destroying it while the christians loved him b/c he is “antiabortion” . . .

  4. pookie says:

    I heard Ron Paul speak at a conference at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, AL in October of 2002. He’s the real deal, which makes me worry about his personal safety, of course.

  5. p says:

    Ron Paul writes many articles which are archived at Lew Rockwell:

    I’ll probably be registering Republican so I can vote for him in the primary, although there’s no chance the RNC would ever let him get the nom. He’s like the anti-Bush.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Holy crap! That’s all I have to say!

    I caught myself waiting for a red laser beam to run across his forehead while he was speaking.

    I’m sure most of you are aware of how personally dangerous it is to say things like that over a microphone.

    But then again, it’s all politcis and nowadays, politics are nothing more than a circus for us “stupid people”. I wouldn’t doubt the Fed allowed this man to speak on “certain” problems so as to give the appearance at large that something is being done about it.

    Hey it’s the government, it can happen.

  7. Eileen says:

    Ron Paul is a champion. Here’s a link to the full text for his speech (from GATA):
    They cut off his mike, but probably won’t attempt to cut off his head unless he runs against Al Gore, yet another corporate shill.
    For tmb:
    Spent just two days this week in Tampa with like minded family. Sister P says its been a breath of fresh air now that Jeb is gone. She can’t gush enough about about Charlie C. Got to give the guy credit as a politician (I hope I don’t regret sayig this) of the best type. He managed to “wiggle in” under the Christian right gaydar, has already banned ballotless voting; enacted an insurance law (you get coverage no matter whether Allstate or whoever wants to cover you); said that “he’s not going to spend Florida’s dollars on debates about gay marriage, etc. Yes, I am an independent right now, but if I find a candidate, whether its reptublican or demolition derby, I’ll register for either side for a candidate that I think can lead. Oh and P said she thinks that based on her experience in Florida, the world will be a better place once GWB is a goner. Impeach Cheney!

  8. NH says:

    What an incredibly brave and inspiring person. My sense is that he just decided, like many of the rest of us need to, if not now, when?

  9. tmb says:

    To Ellen: My understanding is that the “old man” – – “Poppy” still calls the shots despite the made up “differences” for the peasants to puzzle over, his fingerprints are on just about every major scandal/outrage fo the last 50 years so I am eagerly looking forward to what comes out from under the rocks when he too departs . . .

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