Poway Synagogue Shooting: Minecraft References in John T. Earnest’s Manifesto

April 28th, 2019

Update: It’s a Joke Used on 8chan

SK writes:

The “It’s easy to do {{felony}} . . . In Minecraft” is an 8chan idiom to suggest the author had plausible deniability in making the statement. I don’t think it’s taken as a true legal defense as much as a running joke.

Given the content of the manifesto, I would say the author is an 8chan user or at least fluent in that subculture. Of course, anyone can write a pastebin manifesto and attribute it to somebody.

Does anyone understand the references to Minecraft in the John T. Earnest’s manifesto? Does he think he’s playing a video game? Does he think he’s inside a video game? Is Minecraft some sort of codeword in this context?

It is so easy to log on to Minecraft and get away with burning a synagogue (or mosque) to the ground if you’re smart about it. You can even shoot up a mosque, synagogue, immigration center, traitorous politicians, wealthy Jews in gated communities, Jewish-owned company buildings, etc. and get away with it as well. If your goal is strictly carnage and the highest score—I’d highly recommend you look into flamethrowers…

Don’t leave DNA (use clothes you’ve never worn before and a mask—dispose of these after). Don’t bring any electronics which can be used to track you. Don’t leave a paper trail. Don’t take too long doing it, and never speak of it (all electronics are bugged). Again, I’m talking about Minecraft.

2 Responses to “Poway Synagogue Shooting: Minecraft References in John T. Earnest’s Manifesto”

  1. Dennis says:

    Does he think being logged on to Minecraft provides some kind of alibi?

  2. Homebody says:

    Maybe he thinks that using the word Minecraft will fool any robots or people surveilling his text to think it is only about the computer game and therefore ignore it.

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