“Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones Heard Warnings from the FBI of Imminent Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.”

February 18th, 2024

It is possible, maybe even likely, that nothing unusual will happen. (“Nothing unusual,” assumes that you understand that many major U.S. cities are already existing in what I’d consider to be a state of collapse.)

Privately, I have been advising people inside the U.S. to be at full readiness and far away from cities before the election in November. What full readiness means will vary from person to person. At a minimum, I suggest that your definition should include:

– A means to avoid freezing to death

– Adequate water and food for your group

– High capacity weapons and ammunition (with everyone in your group trained extensively in their use)

– Fuel / electricity

– First aid kit

– Communications (Internet, mobile phone, TV, AM/FM radio, CB, shortwave, ham, etc.). However, assume that the Internet and mobile phone networks will be totally or partially down.

While I don’t know if anything unusual will happen, according to the U.S. Army’s 4th PSYOP Group, “All the world’s a stage”:

All the world’s a stage.

Keyword: All.

With that context out of the way, here’s Sheriff Richard Jones:

Via: Journal-News:

At the National Sheriff’s Association Conference in Washington. D.C, last week, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones heard warnings from the FBI of imminent terrorist attacks on the U.S., and he is out to make sure his department is prepared.

“It’s not if they are going to attack, it’s just when they are,” Jones said. “There are people already here who have come to this country who hate us and want to kill us.”

Lines of attack, he said he was told, will be through cyber attacks, crippling power grids, train derailments and cells of armed terrorists who target multiple areas of the country.

Related: This is a military operation against the United States, no doubt about it. The part that will be difficult for most people to comprehend is that the the U.S. Government is facilitating the attack by funding NGOs and leaving the border open.

Bonus: WHO chief’s dire warning: Disease X outbreak ‘a matter of when, not if’ [Right before election?]

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