DING DING DING: We Have a Winner

May 25th, 2007

The U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division user (host: pc212-206.2bde10mtn.army.mil, ip: conducted the following Google search: how to assassinate people

I miss seeing some of the .mil searches that would wind up on Cryptogon. That was great fun. Cryptogon is mostly blocked on .mil domains now.

If you’re curious about some of the other interesting searches that have resulted visits to Cryptogon, this link will show the ones I’ve mentioned.

11 Responses to “DING DING DING: We Have a Winner”

  1. peter says:

    great now idiots like me are gonna get a visit from the fbi cause we clicked on that link :-p

  2. DrFix says:

    Kevin, are you saying that Cryptogon is firewalled? Now thats a hoot. I suppose good old fashioned porn gets through without incident so you’ll need to do a redesign. LOL!

  3. Kevin says:

    Oh yeah. 25% of my traffic used to come from .mil and .gov domains. Now it’s just a trickle. White House Military Office can still read Cryptogon. NGA is ok. NSA. CIA. CENTCOM. Justice. IRS. DHS. A few Air Force nodes. A Navy node or two. Special Forces Command. A few others. Your average grunt, though, is mostly out of luck. It’s not so much the node, actually, I think it’s the permissions. Different users get access to different filters.

    A CENTCOM search tipped me off to a major shift in U.S. military policy in Iraq days in advance of the news breaking publicly.

    I’ve also placed a few honey pots around the shop to see who comes looking…

  4. Jack-Booted EULA says:

    OK I’m fairly computer illiterate. I can understand how you know who’s accessing the site.

    But how do you know what they search for on google? does the http referer pass the search string as well?

    just askin’


  5. KL says:

    It was probably Dr. Laura’s son.


  6. Jack-Booted EULA says:

    Wiki wasn’t too clear but I surmise the entire url is passed, not just the domain. Brilliant.

    I’ll look into spoofing that w mozilla. Care to suggest an url to broadcast, forevermore?


  7. Kevin says:

    @ Jackbooted,

    I’m not here to provide tech support for people. I picked the Wiki page because it’s easy.

    It’s a good thing I didn’t give you the “real” page:


    Have fun, and don’t hurt yourself!

  8. Wait a minute. I thought the military teaches you how to “assassinate” people. Ever notice how you need two asses to make an assassin?

  9. p says:


    If you want to easily spoof HTTP Referers [sic], and any other HTTP header, both coming and going to your browser, check out the Proxomitron:


    It is mainly used for ad-blocking, but I guarantee you can do some DEEP hacking with this program. Easily the best local web filter.

  10. DrFix says:

    Thats right Ozzy! Left and Right.

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