Bilderberg to be Held in Istanbul

May 25th, 2007

Maybe I need a Them category.


ANKARA – Following are the highlights from today`s Turkish daily VATAN. The Anadolu Agency is not responsible of opinions expressed or the context of the articles and does not vouch for their accuracy:

The annual Bilderberg Meeting, which gathers high level officials from the world business, politics and media circles, will be held in Istanbul this year. The main topics of the meeting are Turkey, Iran and energy issue, Vatan daily writes.

According to the daily, the 3-day meeting is an important event during which participants also determine the following year`s agenda.

According to authoritative sources, the meeting which will be held from May 31st to June 3rd in Istanbul, will mainly focus on issues such as a probable operation against Iran, energy policies and Turkey`s EU membership process.

Previously, two Bilderberg Meetings were held in Turkey, first one in 1959 in Istanbul and the other one in 1975 in Cesme town of Aegean city of Izmir.

According to Vatan, re-chosing Turkey as a venue after 32 years, can be interpreted as “a signal hinting the opening of EU`s doors to Turkey”.

5 Responses to “Bilderberg to be Held in Istanbul”

  1. Mark says:

    Extending EU membership to Turkey? What a horrible idea! As if all the 3rd world immigration into Europe weren’t bad enough, they want to expand the EU to the point of including a Muslim country? That would officially make the EU share a border with IRAQ! These people with the decision making power make me absolutely sick!

  2. 33 says:

    So…Scotland next year, then?

  3. peter says:


    They have to appease the Turks somehow. The US/EU screwed them over with the whole Kurdish indpendent state biz just to the south. Maybe this will prevent the region from descending into the choas it should be moving towards. And it’s not the Muslims we should blame nor be wary of. It’s the pseudo christians who are our fearless leaders who are stirring up this mess. If it weren’t for the policies and doctrines of bush jr, blair and company and their forefathers, we wouldn’t be in this mess. But alas, the facists took a breather after WW2 and are back in force to reassert their dominion over the world.

  4. DrFix says:

    Turkey has been wanting in for as long as I can remember. When you consider how many Turks live in Germany, and have been there for four or five decades as “guest” workers (sound familiar?), I wonder what it would take to either push them into the EU camp or finally lock them out.

  5. I. Makhumudov says:

    Tsk, tsk, tsk…. What a commotion here from delicate, frightened and insular Europeans I see in these replies. I would do without all your Western “development” and “prosperity” if it turned me into a scared ninny such as this. And by the way: Russia is the ONLY GENUINE (non-immigrant) Eurasian country in the world geographically and demographically – and we’re PROUD of it.

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