Creationist Museum Brings Dinosaurs on Board Noah’s Ark

May 28th, 2007

I wonder how many people will tell me about their plans to leave the U.S. today.

Via: timesonline:

A vegetarian Tyrannosaurus rex frolicked alongside human beings only a few thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden until Eve decided to munch on that apple, according to the Creation Museum, which opens in Kentucky today.

The $27 million (£14 million) exhibition is funded by evangelical Christians, who apparently believe that by reclaiming dinosaurs and fossils for their literal biblical interpretation of natural history, teenagers are less likely to look at internet pornography or get pregnant out of wedlock.

This sprawling 50-acre (20hectare) site is the latest effort to counter the evolutionary science taught in state schools that Answers in Genesis, the religious group behind the museum, claims has chipped away at the nation’s moral fabric.

It uses much of the same technology seen in mainstream museums. There are realistic moving, roaring dinosaurs and a lifesized model of a ship being built by animatronic craftsmen. In this corner of northern Kentucky the dinosaurs get to go on the ship, which happens to be none other than Noah’s Ark.

Posted in Religion | Top Of Page

6 Responses to “Creationist Museum Brings Dinosaurs on Board Noah’s Ark”

  1. DrFix says:

    I’m leaving, I’m leaving…. LOL!

  2. Snowden says:

    Lots of people are thinking about running from what’s happening here. As if crossing some line on a map would make you “safe”. No, this new world america is building is for everyone – everywhere. If you run it will just find you, or your kids, or the family you left behind. We are well past all for the whining and politics and lofty opinions about what the american government should be. It has mutated into something so vile even alabama republicians are starting to see the truth. We will fight them now, so we don’t have to fight them from now on.

  3. Robert S says:

    And here I was thinking that dinosaurs fossils were just Gods little joke.

    They’ve been working on overturning the second law of thermodynamics for some time to prove something or another. This should reinvigorate those efforts.

    After that I expect that they will repeal the law of gavitation since so many die in falls.

    I’m just sitting on the edge of my seat wonder what the next stunt will be.

  4. Bush is the AntiChrist says:

    Hey, if you can’t accept that dinosaurs rode with Noah, then the next thing you’re gonna try to argue is that the Sun doesn’t revolve around the Earth!

  5. nialeph says:

    Kentucky fried chicken poisons minds more than livers… 🙂

  6. Anise says:

    The X Club was a secret society in London which worked
    to further evolutionary thought and suppress scientific
    opposition to it. It was powerful, for all scientific
    papers considered by the Royal Society were first
    approved by this small group of nine members. Chaired by
    Huxley, its members made contacts and powerfully
    affected British scientific associations (Michael
    Pitman, Adam and Evolution, 1984, p. 64).

    Robert Chambers (1802-1883) was a spiritualist who
    regularly communicated with spirits. As a result of his
    contacts, he wrote the first popular evolution book in
    all of Britain. Vestiges of Creation (1844), was printed
    15 years before Charles Darwin’s book, Origin of the

    Alfred Russell Wallace (1823-1913) is considered to be
    the man who developed the theory which Darwin published.
    Wallace was deeply involved in spiritism at the time he
    formulated the theory in his Ternate Paper, which
    Darwin, with the help of two friends (Charles Lyell and
    Joseph Hooker), pirated and published under his own
    name. Darwin, a wealthy man, thus obtained the royalties
    which belonged to Wallace, a poverty-ridden theorist. In
    1980, Arnold C. Brackman, in his book, A Delicate
    Arrangement, established that Darwin plagiarized
    Wallace’s material….In 1875, Wallace came out openly
    for spiritism and Marxism.

    It is not commonly known that Charles Darwin, while a
    naturalist aboard the Beagle, was initiated into
    witchcraft in South America by nationals. During
    horseback travels into the interior, he took part in
    their ceremonies and, as a result, something happened to
    him. Upon his return to England, although his health was
    strangely weakened, he spent the rest of his life
    working on theories to destroy faith in the Creator.

    In his book, Darwin reasoned from theory to facts, and
    provided little evidence for what he had to say. Modern
    evolutionists are ashamed of the book, with its
    ridiculous arguments.

    Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)…a spiritist, was the one
    who initially invented the term, “evolution” (R. Milner,
    Encyclopedia of Evolution, 1990, p. 159; cf. 424).
    Spencer introduced sociology into Europe, clothing it in
    evolutionary terms.

    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was deeply indebted to the
    evolutionary training he received in Germany as a young
    man. He fully accepted it, as well as Haeckel’s
    recapitulation theory. Freud began his Introductory
    Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1916) with Haeckel’s
    premise: “Each individual somehow recapitulates in an
    abbreviated form the entire development of the human
    race” (R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution, 1990, p.

    Freud’s “Oedipus complex” was based on a theory of
    “primal horde” he developed about a mental complex that
    caveman families had long ago. His theories of anxiety
    complexes, and “oral” and “anal” stages, etc., were
    based on his belief that our ancestors were savage.

    George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was so deeply involved
    in evolutionary theory, that he openly declared that he
    wrote his plays to teach various aspects of the theory
    (R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution, 1990, p. 461).

    According to Yaroslavsky, a close friend of his, at an
    early age, while attending a Christian Orthodox school,
    Stalin began to read Darwin and became an atheist (E.
    Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin, 1940, pp.

    Sir Julian S. Huxley (1887-1975). Grandson of Darwin’s
    “bulldog” (Thomas Huxley), Julian Huxley was the leading
    spokesman for evolution by natural selection in the
    mid-20th century. Upon being named the first
    director-general of UNESCO, he was able to make
    evolution the keystone of United Nations scientific

    Thompson’s Attack on Darwin (1956). W.R. Thompson, a
    leading evolutionary scientist, was asked to write the
    Introduction to the 1956 reprint edition of Darwin’s
    Origin of the Species. In it, Thompson scathingly
    attacked Darwin’s theories on every essential point as
    worthless (W.R. Thompson, Introduction to Charles
    Darwin, Origin of the Species, 1956 edition).

    Antelope Springs Tracks (1968)….William J. Meister,
    Sr., a non-Christian evolutionist, made a hobby of
    searching for trilobite fossils in the mountains of
    Utah….Meister was so stunned that he became a
    Christian. This was Cambrian strata, the lowest level of
    strata in the world; yet it had sandaled human

    Dudley’s Radiodating Research (1975)….H.C.
    Dudley…found that…pressure, temperature, electric
    and magnetic fields…could change the decay rates of 14
    different radioisotopes. The implications…are
    astounding. The strata were laid down under great
    pressure, and samples would vary widely to temperature
    and other changes.

    Newsweek (November 3, 1980) reported that a large
    majority of evolutionists at the conference agreed that
    the neo-Darwinian mechanism (of mutations working with
    natural selection) could no longer be regarded as
    scientifically valid or tenable.

    The battle against Galileo was…started…by Galileo’s
    colleagues and scientists…afraid of losing their
    position and influence. The…church[men] were much
    more open….

    Galileo ignored all other researchers, did not inform
    them about his discoveries, and believed that he alone
    made scientifically relevant discoveries….Galileo
    refused to give Kepler one of his telescopes…Galileo
    wrote…only in anagrams, so that Kepler could not

    In Galileo’s time, science did not have to decide
    between Ptolemy and Copernicus…because everybody
    believed that other planets orbited the sun. The
    question was, whether or not the earth was moving

    Halton C. Arp…studied over 260 galaxies in more than
    80 groups and tabulated 24 main galaxies and 38
    discordant redshift companions, plus much more. All of
    this refutes the speed theory of redshift which, along
    with background radiation, was the crutch that
    evolutionists leaned on to defend the Big Bang (Halton
    Arp, Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies, 1987, p. 5,
    plus many scientific articles). Threatened with
    disbarment from U.S. observatories, if he did not stop
    tearing down one of the two Big Bang pillars, he
    refused. A few eminent astronomers, including the
    renowned astrophysicist, Geoffrey Burbidge, made
    impassioned pleas for everyone to keep an open mind, but
    to no avail. In 1983, Caltech’s telescope allocation
    committee decided that Arp’s line of research was not
    worthy of support and he was to receive no more time for
    his work at the telescopes of the Mount Wilson and
    Palomar observatories. Refusing to switch over to
    politically acceptable studies, he left Caltech for a
    position at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, where he
    continued to pursue his ideas.

    In brief, billions upon billions of polonium 218
    radiohalos are in granite, yet each halo was formed in
    less than 3 minutes. There is no way the halos could get
    in there after the granite was formed, yet the granite
    had to be solid when the halos formed. This means the
    granite was created solid in less than three minutes!
    Since granite is the basement rock under every
    continent, it would be impossible for the earth to once
    have been a molten mass as conjectured by the
    evolutionists. Interestingly enough, granite can be
    melted; but it will reform into rhyolite, never into

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