Obama On Air Force Activity in Lower Manhattan: “It Was a Mistake”

April 29th, 2009


3 Responses to “Obama On Air Force Activity in Lower Manhattan: “It Was a Mistake””

  1. FRLVX says:

    This one stinks in many ways, particularly the official story. Even without stepping too far into woo-woo land, one can question using critical national assets and swooping about downtown Manhattan for a photo op, even if it was ‘poor judgement’. For what, an Air Force recruiting poster? Given the risk and cost, in this day and age of computer graphics, why on earth would you do it for real?

    Well lets wait and see the pics they supposedly took…oops

    “taking part in a classified, government-sanctioned photo shoot.”

    Classified means we probably wont see the pics. How classified can it be in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses? It just stinks…

  2. ltcolonelnemo says:

    Cryptome covered this non-story:


  3. lagavulin says:

    While I haven’t bothered to read the story, I can’t help assuming that if this kicked-up such a ruckus the they clearly were violating NYC airspace regs — which I’d assume could never have been done by “accident”, without alerting anyone. Not in NYC, not no way.

    But then again, we seem to live in a world where it’s possible to mail boxes of deadly viruses by FedEx, or mount nuclear missiles on a jet and fly them across the country. So maybe a lot of ridiculous stupidity really does just happen by “accident”.


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