Only 7 Swine Flu Deaths

April 30th, 2009

Via: Sydney Morning Herald:

A member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has dismissed claims that more than 150 people have died from swine flu, saying it has officially recorded only seven deaths around the world.

Vivienne Allan, from WHO’s patient safety program, said the body had confirmed that worldwide there had been just seven deaths – all in Mexico – and 79 confirmed cases of the disease.

“Unfortunately that [150-plus deaths] is incorrect information and it does happen, but that’s not information that’s come from the World Health Organisation,” Ms Allan told ABC Radio today.

“That figure is not a figure that’s come from the World Health Organisation and, I repeat, the death toll is seven and they are all from Mexico.”

Ms Allan said WHO had confirmed 40 cases of swine flu in the Americas, 26 in Mexico, six in Canada, two in Spain, two in Britain and three in New Zealand.

Ms Allan said it was difficult to measure how fast the virus was spreading.

She said a real concern would be if the flu virus manifested in a country where a person had had no contact with Mexico, and authorities were watching all countries for signs of that.

“There is no pattern that has emerged at this stage to be able to say that it is spreading in a particular way or it is spreading into a particular country … the situation is continuing to evolve,” she said.

She said the WHO was not recommending against overseas travel, but urged those who felt sick to stay home and others to ensure they kept their hands clean.

No decision had yet been made about vaccinations.

“This virus is not airborne, it’s caused by droplets … so it’s not a time for worry. It’s a time to be prepared,” Ms Allan said.

Posted in Health, Kill Off | Top Of Page

3 Responses to “Only 7 Swine Flu Deaths”

  1. Eileen says:

    I’ve read a lot of things from a lot of places today re this swine flu business and in my opinion, this is a MEANT to BE A Distraction from the real news. Yes, indeed 7 deaths. Now that’s a real pandemic.
    Here’s Ron Paul a doctor/politician say on it:
    (I don’t know if that link is a good one to view)
    and then Dr. Mercola:
    ( that also might not be a good link because Mercola has a sensor whether you are a subscriber or not in his articles)

    Then there’s this from an other worldly source:

    This from Matthew, for me, trumps all.

    Imagine- why hype a 7 death disease? Portray a woman with large breasts wearing a face mask when I log in to my email server?

    What are the TPTB trying to distract us from?
    Hmm. Could it be…
    1) Donald Rumsfeld is about to be served papers on his war crimes? Or that TAMIFLU manufactured by E.Lily (I think) that Rumsfeld still holds stock in – has been the drug of choice for SARS, Bird FLU – WHATEVER VIRUS FEAR MONGERING SCAM in the last 8 years?
    Please note – my Mom’s trusted Doctor believes in Tamiflu. He prescribed it for my Mom. We stopped giving it to her because it caused her to RETAIN FLUID – and that is exactly what you don’t want to give a person that tends to congestive heart failure.
    Que Bono – who benefits? Well certainly if enough people get freaked out they’ll run to the vaccines and therefore E Lily and Baxter. And Ron Paul says above that more people die from the vaccine than from the disease itself.
    Hmmm. I’m trying to think of all the disease scares I’ve tried to protect my Mom, family and caregivers over the last ten years.
    Anthrax, bird flu, SARS.
    My advice?
    For the flu – get Oscillococcinum – by Boirum a homeopathic remedy made from ducks! People who cannot take the flu shot due to allergies from eggs innoculate themselves with a dose of this rather than take the flue shot.
    An antiviral/antifungal is Olive Leaf extract.
    Colloidal silver is a nice thing to have on hand (expensive in the stronger potencies).
    Keep your fear under control. Right. This planet is moving towards the Great Attractor in any case and there’s not much we can do about that but cope with it.
    And it looks like Rumsfeld’s rope will shortly tighten, and if we are truly in a pandemic, we can watch his trial from the Hague on our deathbeds.
    How poetic!

  2. Eileen says:

    Oh gosh, how could I forget? I’m not a total doomer! The BEES:-)

  3. Ann says:

    I don’t trust anything that the WHO says. This thing could escalate to Black Death like levels and they would still say ‘it’s not that bad -we’ve only had a few confirmed deaths.’
    These are the same people who think all vaccines are safe, remember.

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