The New PSYOP Payload: Bird Flu and the Collapse of the Internet

February 14th, 2007

I’m still paying attention to the fallout from the incident involving the root DNS nodes. In the course of following that story, I came across the Strong Angel III operation, which proposed a scenario involving a pandemic avian flu outbreak with follow-on strategic information warfare attacks.

Today, Slashdot linked to a story from last June that I hadn’t come across:

Would the Bird Flu Kill the Internet, Too? Long quote, but stick with it, especially the part near the end:

If a bird flu pandemic sweeps the nation, we could avoid infection by working from home via the Internet.

Or, hammered by overuse, the Internet could shut down within two to four days of an outbreak, eliminating telecommuting as a viable option.

Disturbingly, that was one finding of a simulation, or war game, held in January in Davos, Switzerland, by the World Economic Forum and management consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. More than 30 senior industry and governmental executives played out the arrival of the flu in Germany from Eastern Europe — and the results weren’t pretty.

“We assumed total absentees of 30% to 60% trying to work from home, which would have overwhelmed the Internet,” said participant Bill Thoet, vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton. “We did not assume that the backbone would be gone, but that the edge of the network, where everyone was trying to access their office from home, would be overwhelmed. The absence of maintenance was also a factor. The person who brought up the problem was himself a CEO of an Internet service provider.

“The conclusion [of imminent collapse] was not absolute, and the situation was not digitally simulated, but the idea of everyone working from home appears untenable,” Thoet said.

On this side of the Atlantic, predictions about how the Internet would fare in the face of a pandemic are less dire.

“We don’t believe that the Internet will be compromised within a matter of hours or days,” said Brent Woodworth, worldwide manager for IBM’s Crisis Response Team, which does consulting on disaster preparedness. “Most Internet traffic is reroutable, and as different areas are affected at different rates by a pandemic, the networks could anticipate increased traffic and adjust accordingly — with the caveat that critical components will be maintained.”

I’m not going to even deal with the fact that Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. was involved with this, or that the topic was addressed at the annual World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland. Someone could probably make a career out of following up those points alone.

I want to focus on nine words from the excerpt above. I’m sure you propellerheads already know which nine words I’m talking about:

…With the caveat that critical components will be maintained.

One more time, from my informal essay on information warfare written in 2002:

You always hear that the Internet was designed to route information around dead or crowded nodes. Well, what you don’t hear is that this theory only applies when the amount of traffic on the system DOES NOT OVERWHELM the routers, switches and communications media. If transcon and intercity OC-192s and OC-768s start going down, the sudden traffic overflow onto the lower tiered intercity connections will bring everything to a grinding halt. Couple that with attacks on root DNS nodes and DOS attacks on systems still standing…

Put a fork in it, ladies and gentlemen. It’s done.

But wait, there’s more. This was just published yesterday: Flu Pandemic Could Choke Internet, Requiring Usage Restrictions:

Many companies and government agencies are counting on legions of teleworkers to keep their operations running in the event of an influenza pandemic. But those plans may quickly fall apart as millions of people turn to the Internet for news and even entertainment, potentially producing a bandwidth-choking surge in online traffic.

Such a surge would almost certainly prompt calls to restrict or prioritize traffic, such as blocking video transmissions wherever possible, according to business continuity planners who gathered on Friday at a SunGard Availability Systems hot-site facility in northern New Jersey to consider the impact of a pandemic on the Internet.

Businesses as well as home users likely would be asked to voluntarily restrict high-bandwidth traffic, the planners said. And if asking didn’t work, they warned, government action to restrict traffic might well follow.

“Is there a need for a YouTube during a national emergency?” [OR A CRYPTOGON, OR A LIFEAFTERTHEOILCRASH OR A WHATREALLYHAPPENED?—Kevin] asked John Thomas, vice president of enterprise systems at a large, New York-based financial institution that he asked not be identified.

Whether the avian flu will morph into a human pandemic is unclear. But if it does, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of deaths could result worldwide. To try to limit a pandemic’s spread, many people will seek to work from home. Consequently, “the demand for communication will soar,” said Renate Noone, vice president of professional services at SunGard’s Availability Services unit.

Out of the vast, swirling cloud banks of speculative collapse theories, They seem to like this Bird Flu / Internet Collapse dog and pony show right now.

Remember what I said about that astonishing Brzezinski episode?

I don’t think that it’s possible to know which trick is going to be pulled with any precision. But they’re going to have to try to fit ten pounds of shit into a five pound bag, and soon. The question is how to blame “the terrorists” for the crash without the thing leading to nuclear war. I’m guessing that this Brzezinski thing is like saying, “Don’t do it ‘that’ way. Go back to the drawing board. We don’t want it to play out like ‘that.’” Iraq is clearly out of control. Add Iran to the mix? I don’t see how they maintain any level of control (militarily, politically, economically, take your pick) with an order of magnitude increase in the chaos on the ground. I think this crossed Brzezinski’s mind, and the minds of his handlers.

Is it possible that “the terrorists” have become too ridiculous of a meme for even the average imbecile on the street to believe anymore? The problem with 9/11 is that the dust settled too quickly. Uncomfortable questions started appearing way too fast… I don’t personally know anyone who believes the official 9/11 story anymore.

Hell, maybe they’ll throw in Bin Laden for bonus shock and awe value: Flying around on a magic carpet, spraying the Homeland with terrorist cooties and worse. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Why not? That way, They get the effects of 9/11, but it keeps on killing and terrifying people long after the “attack” begins…. You can almost see Cheney’s crooked grin.

So, how could They improve on “the terroristst” PSYOP payload?

It’s impossible to know for sure…

But if the Internet goes down, life as you know it ends and soldiers are going door to door making sure that you have received your required “vaccination” against whatever .mil engineered plague has just been released, you’ll pretty much have your answer.


The biggest question I have is how many Americans, Aussies and Poms were in on this. Kiwis, in general, and even Kiwi politicians, aren’t this adept at evil. I’d look to the usual suspects for the genesis of this diabolical plot. Again, I don’t know where this script came from, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s from here.

6 Responses to “The New PSYOP Payload: Bird Flu and the Collapse of the Internet”

  1. bkmn says:

    Someone cut the fiber in Madison, Wi. Downtown was out as well as the listed areas. The population of the area was probably around 50,000.

  2. tmb says:

    I recently read where a German Intelligence Officer captured at the end of WWII during debriefing stated that he had learned while working with some components of the U.S. Military after WWI that the Spanish Flu pandemic was a U.S. Military Biowarfare experiment that “went bad” – – he pointed out how the virus was specific for younger, healthier people and did not act as any previous and how it had been developed for such targeting etc. – – sounded quite believable to me.

    There seems to be a whole hidden history on this stuff especially as to the monkey viruses contained in some polio and other vaccines (that have spread God knows how many non-human diseases thru humanity and, it seems, wiped out a great deal of the African and Gay population thru “vaccinations” for polio and hepatitis respectively – – certainly a much “cleaner” way for them to do this rather than with machete or machine gun). I agree that they (our “leaders”)will be looking for someone (terrorists, aliens, whatever . . .) to peg as the “cause” of the total economic meltdown that is coming (leading to the environmental one following thereafter . . .) so they can basically declare a World War and Martial Law and get on with their “cleansing” business against the rest of us . . . truly a shame that most of our fellow citizens are deeply clueless as to our “history” and prospects for the future . . .

  3. scottc says:

    good stuff kevin. ‘they’ certainly will do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals, and they are not stupid. focusing on zbig’s comments is always helpful, at least in the wider scope of things. anyone worth their salt on these topics knows that zbig is a player.

    the bird-flu/internet scenario is one of the big ideas being floated by these monsters. it could easily be the scenario du jour for their next attack.

    the $25 million dollar question is, when will enough people see the hidden hand. when will enough people wake and be able to divert the course of things on a larger than personal scale?


  4. David says:

    –A Revised Logic of Collapses

    (As is any attempt at prognostication without access to irrefutable facts, this prediction is more or less intuitive, based on the subconscious organization of the vast amounts of information I process each day, and is, therefore, subject to revision; however, as They litter the land with more evidence of Their Crimes against Humanity/predatory machinations, and as that evidence is processed, this prediction will become more accurate and eventually attain undeniable certitude):

    1. Iran will be attacked; this is a foregone conclusion, and, in my opinion, not even subject to debate.

    Here’s where things get “iffy:”

    2. The dollar, and therefore the U.S. Ponzi economy, could actually be strengthened (wartime economic boom) by this attack, if things escalate to world-wide conflict immediately; however, I view this as highly unlikely because the world must be inflexibly balkanized along current account deficit/surplus lines and militarily prepped for world war before any worldwide conflict has a chance of manifesting. This is currently not the case, and will not be the case until the MCFCs (Money Creation and Flow Controllers) turn off the worldwide credit/liquidity tap, consequently fomenting the collapse and subsequent balkanization and militarization of the world economy. I believe the U.S. attack on Iran will “turn off the tap,” and is being pursued specifically for that purpose, and will cause the worldwide credit/liquidity, stock market, bond market, housing/commercial real estate, hedge fund, and private equity bubbles to begin bursting, with said bursting consequently priming the world for war.

    3. Quite naturally, this will lead to:

    a. a U.S. despotism/police state, which will become even more dictatorial after a nuclear false flag attack on some very important U.S. location, occuring in 2008, is blamed on a group of Arabic-speaking Semites or a group of Persians (but secretly carried out by a Mossad/CIA/DIA/USGov consortium), which would quite possibly cancel the elections of 2008 and cement George W. Bush’s legacy as the 21st century version of Adolf Hitler OR

    b. a weird dual form of U.S. federal government leadership (a gentler, more genteel despotism/police state), with Czar Bush taking on the role of Warrior-In-Chief and Czarina Clinton relegated to the role of enslaving the plebes.

    4. After the nuclear false flag, the US and their EU cohorts will provoke WWIII by attempting to gain control of the oil reserves of the entire Middle East.

    5. After the Final War, we will experience Their human-engineered H5N1 pandemic/internet clamp-down; the numerous trial runs of these events have been so meticulously documented and analyzed by the analytical virtuoso who publishes this blog that the occurrence of the actual events, or very similar events, is virtually guaranteed.

    6. These synthetic virus plagues, as well as synthetic, human-engineered climate disasters fraudulently attributed to global warming, which is a naturally-occurring phenomenon, as it has been for the entirety of earth’s history,

    (I’m not implying the earth isn’t suffering from gargantuan amounts of pollution and from environmental poisoning/resource depletion, nor am I implying that “powering down” and sustainable environment-human-nonhuman interaction isn’t the wisest form of human economic behavior; however, I am STATING that the pollution and poisoning of the earth, in all probability, is extremely negligible in its climatologic effects, and is being used by Them, under the guise of “pollution-creates-global-warming-creates-climate-chaos [the climate chaos is being engineered via a combination of chemtrail-spraying planes and functioning ionospheric heaters, five heaters in total, three located in the U.S., one located in Europe, and the other located in Russia]” to take control of ALL the world’s resources so They can refrain from “powering down,” i.e. build several more four-level Gates [Bill] Mansions, at our expense. This means that if they have their way, we will all be eternally recycling and reusing every resource they so mercifully give us, while They revel in the joys of unfettered resource access and utilization; I can even imagine their recycling rules applying to already digested food—in Their re-ordered world, we will all become eaters of our own shit, that is to say, using a future technocratic euphemism, self-contained food-recycling units; THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE, either we all power down, Billionaires included, or none power down, otherwise, a resource-possessor dictatorship is guaranteed)

    will continue to occur in waves, until They–the MCFCs & their subordinate Multinational Corporate Partners-in-Crimes-against-Humanity–obtain possession of every single resource on the planet, to include your ability to think.

  5. George Kenney says:

    The kill shot is locked and loaded in the chamber.

    Remember this ‘training’ TV show?

    “May 9, 2006 — The following is the Department of Health and Human Services’ Viewers Guide to “Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America,” which airs tonight on ABC.

    Tonight at 8, ABC will air a made-for-TV movie titled “Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America.” The movie follows an outbreak of the H5N1 avian flu virus from its origins in a Hong Kong market through its mutation into a pandemic virus that becomes easily transmittable from human to human and spreads rapidly around the world. “

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